Assembly Resolutions

by DT 19 Replies latest jw friends

  • BluesBrother

    Are you kidding??

    Some of these have been direct statements from the Almighty in fulfilment of prophecy - look at what is says here:

    re chap. 21 pp. 137-138 par. 33 Jehovah’s Plagues on Christendom ***

    Outstanding in this connection was the proclamation made at what TheGoldenAge magazine described as "the greatest convention of Bible Students held during the ages." This convention assembled in Columbus, Ohio, July 20-27, 1924. No doubt at the direction of the angel that sounded the third trumpet, a forceful resolution was there adopted and later 50 million copies were distributed as a tract.

    Oh yes???

    In fact I could never see the point of was just stage managed to try to make the audience go home thinking that something important had happened

  • garybuss

    Not all resolutions had positive effects. One resolution was printed up in Germany and distributed to the detriment of the Witness people. An ex-Witness had to ride into Berlin on a tank and get the Witnesses out of prison.

    Try to find that in Proclaimers . . .

  • VoidEater

    You mean those so-called experiences? Ha ha! Who could forget them ... 99.99% of which were completely fabricated!

    Oh, I don't know...I've been pretty familier with several presented on stage...of course, the parts that got presented on the stage were never the whole truth! Fiction always seems to have a seed of truth...

  • WTWizard

    I wonder how many of those long multi-point resolutions are a way to sneak in a new rule or something new that they are going to ban. The ban might not take effect immediately. However, some time later, they are going to remember that the ban got passed in a resolution, having been agreed to (albeit under force and threat), and it will come up later in a Puketower study article. I can remember the thread at that did just that. They had a multiple point resolution, and if anyone carefully looked at it, they would see a ban on entertainment buried in the fine point. They did not immediately enact that ban, but I am betting that within the next few years they are going to phase it in via the Kool-Aid Puketowers.

    And no one has the freedom to reject such resolutions. Most are pure crap. Many simply reiterate something that has been in force, while adding one point that will be a trap in years to come. Others are for donating money to the Worldwide Pedophile Defense Fund, never worded that way. There is never a fair discussion prior to passing them. Everyone is forced to agree or they will be quarantined.

    And most of the experiences are fake. Especially when the person claims to be that someone, it is all fake. You can ask that person, and they will always tell you that it was true. But it is always a lie. Even when it is the truth, it is only half the truth (like telling how Jehovah blessed them with pioneering when in fact, while they are in fact pioneering, they are getting no or negative value). And the person that is crippled or that has quit their jobs and turned down a $250,000 scholarship at MIT or a promotion to the chief of the FDA so they could pioneer, never did such. Those are all fake (OK, so the crippled person might actually be wheeled up. And pioneering. But, I bet they are living on disability, have someone else transport them, and have plenty of fake hours added to the time slip).

  • cognizant dissident
    cognizant dissident

    Once we had to take a vote for a resolution in our KH. They asked for all those in favour. Everyone put up their hand, including me. Then they asked for us to keep them up so they could be counted. While I was keeping my hand up, the sister behind me started talking to me and I turned around to whisper to her, with hand still up. All of a sudden, my husband is elbowing me and hissing at me to put my hand down. What? I turn around and see that the entire congregation is staring at me! Why? Because the brother on the platform had asked, "All against?" and I still had my hand up because I didn't hear him due to sister whispering to me! So, I put my hand down and everyone started laughing, all comfortable again, secure in the fact that I was not a dissenter but a conformist after all. (Little did they know!)

    After the meeting, I asked my husband why he nudged me and told me to put my hand down? Couldn't I have voted no if I wanted to? What's the point of asking for a vote if everyone is pressured to say yes? He told me to go ahead and vote no next time if I wanted to. Yeah right. Like there was no pressure there with the entire congo turning around and staring daggers at you and your family elbowing you in the ribs and hissing at you if you vote no! Sure, that's a free vote all right! Why don't they have everyone right there vote on a little piece of paper anonymously if they really want to know what everyone wants. Well, of course, they don't really care what anyone in the congregation wants, do they?


  • DaCheech

    My congregation problably has between $3,500 to $2,000 in the bank.

    well a couple of years ago some bethellite invited a foreign bethel hot shot to do our memorial.

    a couple of weeks after this bethellite came back from his foreign vacation they wanted to pass

    a resolution to pay this guys expenses to come here and do this memorial talk.

    when the resolution passed, everyone raised their hand......... in the 3 months time that it took for

    this to happen, the congregations funds did not get higher. In other words nobody including myself was contributing

    more than they usually would. the week after this talk happened and the check (marked cash, and cashed by a brother so this foreigner could get hard cash).

    we had fumes in our bank account.

    the elders made a couple of talks encouraging the peeps to contribute.

    it took a couple of years for the funds to get back to the $3000 mark.

    when they pass these resolutions, people just agree, they have no idea of the implications.

  • DaCheech

    can someone pay my expenses......... to fly to "lets say bora bora", and I'll make up something to talk about?

  • hillbilly

    hahahaha..woman can "vote" for a resoulution but have to wear a napkin to lead a prayer............


  • blondie

    I never voted for resolutions at the conventions................I figured they were things we were supposed to be doing anyway.

    Women don't always get to vote for congregation resolutions. I was in some congregations that only let the family head vote. So if there was a husband and a wife, only hubbie could vote. Single sisters could vote though or those without jw husbands.

    I can remember in one congregation there was a battle going on between 2 factions on the elder body. One elder got up at the service meeting during the announcements and said that if you did not support the remodeling effort...not to donate........donations plummeted and the remodeling idea was tabled. Lots of behind the scenes talking after that one.


  • Dismembered

    Re: Assembly Resolutions

    Just another convention (what else do we have to do) time waister, and more Watchtower grandstanding that amounts to zilch.

    yknot If you did that, you did the right thing, and I too, would have enjoyed seeing you do that. Especially with my mind set today


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