Assembly Resolutions

by DT 19 Replies latest jw friends

  • DT

    Even when I was a believing JW, I began to really dislike those fake assembly resolutions. My biggest complaint was that we weren't given any time to think about them before we were called on to agree. I thought they were pretty meaningless and stopped responding to them. Everyone was put under a lot of pressure to respond positively, so I felt that the response didn't mean much. I also grew tired of all the testimonials and experiences that we heard. There was no way they would allow negative testimonials and everyone that gave positive experiences were put under pressure so they couldn't be viewed as reliable.

    Note: An old thread was recently resurrected that was just an April Fool's joke. It touched on some of these matters and had some very interesting comments, but I wanted to put my thoughts on a different thread. What are your thoughts?

  • Cold Creek Swimmer
    Cold Creek Swimmer

    There's nothing more entertaining at an assembly than a "10 Point Resolution" that means absolutely nothing. Who, exactly, is impacted by these things? As soon as the dubs walk out of the building they are forgotten till assembly review night. Then it's all over. Big deal. Much ado about nothing. Basically a way to make dubs feel special at the convention.


  • MissingLink

    Are you kidding! These are great. It's our one opportunity to have our say about the running of the organization. They make a motion, and we agree or shut-up. Democracy in action.

  • yknot

    I have always refused to agree to anything I have not read in writing.

    When I was 18, my sister had been wrongly DF and we had an assembly the following weekend after the announcement was made. Feeling very FUish I was sitting in the balcony area and said NO as loudly as I could! You would have thought I shot the man. Anywho turns out there are special rooms used by Elders for "situations". My mom was told to escort me back to the hotel.

  • mentalclearness

    I would have loved to have seen that yknot...

  • hillbilly

    yea... qa canned resoulution to make the simple minded think they are attending a "real" convention. I always waited for the group (especially at the local level) to vote a resoulution down.

    My old cong in Tenn (farmers and poor people) had some pretty good debate about taking the societys loan program for the first hall they built. We actually built that one with a local bank loan (this was back in the early 70's)...


  • DJK
    those fake assembly resolutions. My biggest complaint was that we weren't given any time to think about them before we were called on to agree.

    I left in 74 so I won't speculate how they are handled these day's. I can remember those resolutions being common knowledge made known to all at the KH before the assemblies. It's a very cheap shot to lay it on you without time to examine all sides of it.

  • oneairhead

    Because these things are so long it is a suprise to me when they say "your answer please." I forget that it is not a talk but a

    resolution. I agree that they are meaningless. Whats even worse is when a witness nazi during a meeting makes a comment

    about a recent or past resolution. It is true these things are meaningless, because during my life time they are only read and

    everyone says yes so he will hopefully stop reading and we all go on however we were living before.


  • Burger Time
    Burger Time

    Haha I always wanted to say NO really loudly. Never did though.

  • Frequent_Fader_Miles
    I also grew tired of all the testimonials and experiences that we heard. There was no way they would allow negative testimonials and everyone that gave positive experiences were put under pressure so they couldn't be viewed as reliable.

    You mean those so-called experiences? Ha ha! Who could forget them ... 99.99% of which were completely fabricated!

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