Is the world really getting worse?

by Wordly Andre 56 Replies latest jw friends

  • erynw

    I think part of the impression that the "world is getting worse" is the improvement in global communications.

    We hear about events half way around the globe the second they are happening.

    This wasn't always the case.

  • WTWizard

    There are tons of examples of times when things were worse than now. Even if you limit yourself to before 1914, and taking into account percentages of people dying to those on the planet, you can find tons of examples.

    So the stock market crash of 1929 was bad? How would you have liked to be long on tulips back in the 1600s? Around then, there was speculation that bid up the prices, until someone saw that they were priced way too high. At that, the price crashed. People lost a lot of money in that.

    Our wars today are killing more people, simply because there are more people to kill. The wars fought prior killed more people per million alive than anything fought since 1914. That doesn't even include crusades and other forms of pilferage that happened before 1914.

    And the Dark Ages were worse. Homes were not safe from crime. It was worse then than in the big city today. People had double walls, moats, and heavy doors and still got burgled. Highway robbery was common then. The economy then was far worse than it was even during the Great Depression, simply because a few controlled everything else and enslaved everyone else. Diseases then wiped out about 3/4 of the population. That was worse than the Spanish flu. Even stating that the Establishment was dangerous then. Today, I can state that allopathic medicine is dangerous and ineffective for most people, and get a dirty look. Back then, such a statement would have resulted in getting burned at the stake.

    Not only that, but I believe that, if we get the right person in the White House (whether it be Ron Paul or someone that will ruin most of the regulatory structure that drains our prosperity and enterpreneurship), there will be no Great Tribulation. If that happens, one scientific breakthrough after another will rapidly result in a better, not worse, world. True, people will have to take risks including dying and damaging the environment for this to progress. But, in the end, people will be better off once the processes are perfected. Damage to the environment will be undone, as one company's pollution is another's raw material. With stimulating jobs and abundant material things, crime and stagnation will stop. People will not be desperate. Kick crimes will also stop. Only a few lazy and dishonest bums will still resort to causing problems, and those can be dealt with simply by shunning (and that would be so they cannot gain power and reinstate the problems, not to control them).

    One thing that getting the right person in power would do is stop all false religion, including the Watchtower Society. They would be exposed, and people would no longer be interested. And, the witlesses would merely be wasting their time, thinking that the work is all but done, and they would waste their time waiting for nothing. The ones that are hard core will continue getting laughed out of existence; the others would learn that it is nothing but hogwash. And the world will not go through tribulation.

  • golf2

    Worst in what sense? I lived the good old days and I don't regret it.


  • mouthy

    O.K. Here comes the one to disagree!!!! The World is the same. But I believe the inhabitants are worse.And MEN have got all knowledge how to do whatever they want....

    We used to leave our doors unlocked. No one came in... Cars unlocked ....Where can this be done today???
    I use to walk to school at 4,1/2 years old without "sickies " trying to mess with me.
    We didnt have T.V with all the sex on it.

    Watched T.V. last night ( couldnt sleep ) & oral sex, intercourse, lesbions, gays, all performing. Yes I couldnt believe it.... I watched for quite awhile.

    Think of all the kids watching while MUM & Dad are out boozing!!!!
    Why is it worse IN MY HUMBLE? OPINION!!!! ( o.k so I aint humble)
    Because religions have divided us all ....So MANY gave up on GOD...Or they want their god to be master of your minds.
    ( Yes I do believe in a GOD -but if you dont thats Your choice). We all do want we want .so today most of us have what we want BUT NOT what we need. LOVE!!! LOVE!!! LOVE!!
    Wars will always be ....because of POWER man has... That is a God given right to "do as you like" but if you want a better existance I believe my GOD said >>>>" do as I said"
    Well that finished THAT thread didnt it!!!!!!!!!
    Mouthy usually does fini them

  • FairMind

    My perception is that things are worse and steadily moving toward unsolvable crisis. Examples of this are:

    1. World wide terrorist organizations and their inevitable access to nuclear and biological weapons. Eventually they will strike and use these weapons. The results will be catastrophic.

    2. The world economy is energy dependent and guess what? Oil production has peaked and soon the financial impact of spiraling energy costs coupled with unavailability of petroleum products will wreak havoc on the world’s economies.

    3. Deficit spending. Many economies (including USA) are bankrupt and living on borrowed time.

    4. Increasing crime.

    The list could go on and on. JW’s may be in denial about what’s going on in the organization. Let’s not make the same mistake about what’s going on in the world.

  • Satanus

    'Watched T.V. last night ( couldnt sleep ) & oral sex, intercourse, lesbions, gays, all performing.'

    Jeepers grace, i seem to have missed that channel. I'm stuck w boring nature science bio documentary how-its-made channels. What am i doing wrong??!!

    I have some nieghbors that weren't locking their apts. I convinced them that they should. Yaknow, a lot is in our perception of the world. If you shut out the media portrayals, it gets a LOT more peaceful.


  • mouthy

    What am i doing wrong??!! Just by using your name Satan!!!!!LOL
    Well you are not in Canada I guess!!! I thought while I saw it." I wouldnt eat garbage so why look at it" turned it off after I couldnt believe it.!!!!!! 80 years old never seen the likes of that.!!!! But I didnt sleep ALL night hoping my grand-kids didnt see it.

  • Satanus

    'What am i doing wrong??!! Just by using your name Satan!!!!!LOL'

    But, satan just wants people to be free. He feels hurt that christians so misunderstand him. Yhwh has hurt/killed a LOT more people than he has.

    'Well you are not in Canada I guess!!!'

    But, i am in canada! Here i am, a fine upstanding satanist party member, and i'm missing out on seeing all this fun on tv. How can this be?


  • eclipse

    Your provider can show you how to block those channels.

    Now you can get some sleep.


    When you`ve got your head stuck up your ass..Everything looks sh*tty!..All Praise...........................Mouthy..Every country has it`s own Satan..In Muslim countrys,it`s George Bush..Laughing Mutley...OUTLAW

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