What Is The Jehovah's Witness Religion To You?

by minimus 39 Replies latest jw friends

  • Sad emo
    Sad emo

    A breath of fresh country air...

  • KeepinSane

    Very few are of that "hardcore" number anymore. Few know doctrine even well enough to be that way these days. An ever increasing number are just going through the motions, never really giving things much thought until something rocks their world. This is sad, and probably my biggest issue with the dubs as a whole. The management has managed to dummy things down so much, that the present crop of dubs really can't care much about things like doctrine anymore.

    Basically, it's a "Shut up and do what we tell you to do until Armegeddon comes" kind of mentality that comes out of Brooklyn these days. The r&f are too tired, and beat-up to even fake enjoyment.


  • blueviceroy

    The religion itself ,(independant of it's people ) is a distorted belief system that doesn't possess anything of real value.

    It is a social club just like any other CHURCH . It is lacking in spirituality and it is based on fear and intolerance , selfishness and control.

    The positive message it has is lost within the rules it has developed to controll it's members.

    It certainly isn't worthy of the devotion even it's most handicapped members slavishly lavish it with.

    " A miserable failure "pretty much sums it up.

  • minimus

    Faundy, I don't have any brains to rack.

    JWs refuse to look at anything critical of their beliefs for fear they might get contaminated somehow.

    They self righteously believe they are 100% not wrong and that theyare the only true organization to merit God's approval and in so doing judge everyone else as unworthy. The others are simply lazy.

    And for what it's worth, even if they believe they love God with all their heart, they violate Christianity's core of what true love is.

  • deaconbluez

    An emberassment.

  • cluless


    My origional reply to your post had more depth.

    In a perviouse TOPIC you mentiond you were not so addicted to this board as you once were.

    Many Jehovahs Witnesses iam sure feal the same way both to there religion and Congregation.

    There is an incredible amount of POWER IN BELONGING. Being a Messanger on this board I ENVY YOU. (I respect what you have achived) Becauuse you are sincere.

    If you read my prevoiusre reply to your topic i would only add THAT my hope is that the Jehovahs Witnesses Religion can have(HAD) a POSITIVE part in peoples lifes.

  • quietlyleaving

    Strangely enough, on one level I see JW's as making a stand against democracy and self-government and clinging to totalitarianism with its illusion of stability with all their might. I see them as a politcial force I guess rather than a religion.

  • Honesty

    A demon inspired religion that a book publishing corporation uses to accumulate vast real-estate holdings.

  • WingCommander

    They are.......

    The religion that sucked my parents into a study in the late 1970's, and then ruined my childhood and family life.

    They are the #1 reason why I had the shit kicked out of me in grade school. .

    They are the ones that kept me from going to college initially.

    They are liars and deceivers, uncaring and unloving.

    They are the ones that didn't care when my whole family died in the space of 8 years.

    They are as useless as tits on a boar hog when you REALLY need spiritual, emotional, and physical support.

    They are a publishing company that makes millions of $$$ off of the free slave labor of their members.

    They live almost entirely under the old Mosaic Law.

    They deny you access to God through Christ, as they are in Jesus' place.

    They brainwash you, slowly and steadily erroding your trust in "Worldly" family and friends that truly care about you.

    They are a hurtful, demoralising, self-rightous CULT.

    They are the splinter in my mind, and something has never been quite right about them, that is until I took the red pill. All I was offered was the truth; all that I found out was about a lie-filled cult.

    - Wing Commander

  • FreudianSlip

    "Value their friendships and family over principle". That sounds a little backwards to me. Most JWs will set aside friendships and family in order to follow their "principle(s)".

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