The best Anti -Witness

by Wordly Andre 15 Replies latest jw friends

  • NanaR

    Great thread, Andre ;-)

    I think the best Anti-witness is just enjoying life, love, make a ton of new friends, be happy, find new interests, and improve yourself.

    Amen to this!! I would also add that, if allowed, we should continue to show our JW friends and relatives the kind of unconditional love that they will never get from the Borg. We can be the best possible examples of what serving God is really all about.

    If they won't let us show them how much we care about them, we can still pray for them. They can't stop us from doing that. And keeping them in our prayers helps us by keeping our bitterness and resentment in check.



  • uninformed

    WELL said TC

    True, Andre. But in addition, JWs also have a remarkably two-faced tendency.

    If you left and aren't doing well, this is weighty evidence that Jehovah has left you, and you are reaping what you sowed.

    But, if you left and are doing well, this is a pathetic example of how someone has chosen riches or pleasures over Jehovah.

    I think "learning not to care what they think" is the best of all.

    Circular reasoning.

    But, even if you can't beat them, DON'T join them.


  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    I'll drink to that!

    ...and Armageddon is closer than the inside of your pants!

  • myway2007

    Living better and enjoying life is the best revenge....

  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite

    Having known some that went off the deep end after leaving the bOrg, they were following a pre-programmed doomed departure course. It seemed that after they lost connection, control, and direction from Central Command, they wanted to try every evil thing that had previously been prohibited. They lost their friends, family, and emotional support system and many became self-destructive in their actions.

    All would have benefitted from a visit to JWD to see that there is happy and fulfilling life after JW... as I'm learning.

  • WTWizard

    Many people who leave the Tower are now seeking the freedom they wanted, and now are able to express those pent-up feelings they had while in the Tower but could not safely express. And, for a time they go wild. It is the just-out-of-home situation, where children that just leave home for college are now free to party.

    Of course, they will not tell anyone about those who are in, and are miserable while in and trying their best to do the assigned work. Much of that is because they can never measure up. Some could be because they cannot do the things they want without Brother Hounder messing it up. Those people are ordered to fake happiness to provide the illusion that the organization is perfect. Then, when they leave and are still miserable (leaving doesn't solve all your problems--just the ones that the Tower is creating), they point out that it's having left that did it. All leaving did was unmask the misery that already was there.

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