I need your help responding to my old JW friends email

by student1 42 Replies latest jw friends

  • inkling
    which reminds me.. if you are no longer a witness that means you can show me your boobies!!! yippee!!!

    He MUST have married young, concidering that he appears to be, at the moment, 13 years old.


  • Chalam

    Maybe you might tell him that you if he doesn't leave you alone then you might make his feeling know to his Kingdom Hall?

    "hello. seeing as you never botherered ringing me back or texting i thort id email you..
    i hope you are well, i see you clothes are becoming less and less... so next time I click on your profile Il expect you just to be wearing a leaf??

    which reminds me.. if you are no longer a witness that means you can show me your boobies!!! yippee!!! "


  • steve2
    He MUST have married young, concidering that he appears to be, at the moment, 13 years old.

    If that's the case, he's a pretty normal male JW - they all seem to marry very young and never quite grow out of their adolescent and grubby take on sexuality.

  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite

    Wow, lots of good suggestions so far. What can I add?

    Okay, if I agree that the problems of the world are getting worse, how does that make Jehovah's Witnesses the true religion? Is that supposed to be one prophecy they've gotten right out of dozens they've gotten wrong? They certainly aren't trying to make the world a better place. They're cheering on the deaths of billions of people. And they call themselves "right hearted"?

    So, this boy may be married, but is he happily married? Does his wife know he's looking at skin on the Internet?

  • flipper

    Hello there. This guy who E-mailed you - he really is dumber than a rock.Are you sure he knows what boobies are ?? LOL

  • student1

    So many brilliant replies... I have had a real good hearty belly laugh reading your humorous replies!!
    I have also really enjoyed the well reasoned thought provoking replies.

    FYI: he has always been a bit of a jerk sexually.. wanting to see my boobs has been an obsession of his from the day we met, which epitomizes the sort of twat I was friends with in the cult but would never be mates with now (I have standards these days!)! so maybe I should leave him where he is!!

    Thanks for your input, I have not recieved a reply from the email I sent him regarding Preaching in the asian world... he has probably run off to ask his dad!!


  • nelly136

    if its someone you didnt like then you probably wouldn't like them much now either, if he gives you the willies then go with your guts, you dont have to justify anything to him about your choices and you are definately not responsible for his life choices, you don't automatically owe him anything just cos he's a dub and you once had that in common.

    i know the gut feeling is to feel you need to help someone leave and you feel sorry for them, but you have really got to be sure whether you really want 'em stuck to your leg like the mutt on 'meet the fockers'

  • steve2
    FYI: he has always been a bit of a jerk sexually.. wanting to see my boobs has been an obsession of his from the day we met, which epitomizes the sort of twat I was friends with in the cult but would never be mates with now (I have standards these days!)! so maybe I should leave him where he is!!

    Looks like nothin' much has changed: He's being true to form and you're perhaps a bit flattered by his verbal slobbering to leave him where he is...

  • student1

    Hahaha actually I didnt find it flattering... he is being offensive saying that I no longer wear clothes when I go out!! thats typical jdub rubbish used to beat girls down and keep them in place.. I had a judicial once where I was told that I was in the situation i was in (having been touched up by a brother) because of the way I dressed!! that judicial really upset me at the time..

  • dust
    I had a judicial once where I was told that I was in the situation i was in (having been touched up by a brother) because of the way I dressed!!

    You should have told them that the brother didn't touch you. You touched the brother, because he was dressing in such an attractive and irresistible way.

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