Email insanity

by TJ - iAmCleared2Land 15 Replies latest jw friends

  • TJ - iAmCleared2Land
    TJ - iAmCleared2Land

    Here's a reply from Sharon on another board:

    I made a bib for a baby shower once (I thought it was so cute) said "I Love (had a heart for love) Jah".

    Got the same reaction from people.

    You'd have thought I'd desecrated the flag or blurp and all getting on the name of god...

  • momzcrazy

    And they looked at me funny when I threw spilled salt over my right shoulder. Crazy!


  • R6Laser

    So now we're even scrutinizing why people change their e-mail addresses?

  • Hortensia

    hey, anything to put people in the wrong. That's a JW tradition - to quote Calvin and Hobbes - there is no situation so bad that you can't make it worse with a little guilt.

  • WTWizard

    I refuse to display Jehovah's name, but only because I would be totally embarrassed to be associated with that lowlife, scumbag, pedophile defending organization. I do not give a fxxx if it gets ruined or desecrates that slimy, scummy name. There is no way I want to have that name on my front door, in a window, a license plate, a bumper sticker, a bib, placard, T shirt, or anything else where the public can see and they would associate that fxxxing name with me in a positive light.

    Rather, I will stick with Christmas decorations. Or, if for no other reason than to make the witlesses think I am doing idolatry, maybe Jesus' name. Hell, I would rather publicly declare myself a Devil worshiper than one of Jehovah's Witlesses. At least that would be honest.

  • inkling
    What was the point? E-mails don't rust.

    Ah, true BUT: they do get a crapload of spam for porn and viagra! And we all know how touchy God can be about nudity and impotence.


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