Why you still go on Field Service? Why Elders posts on JWD?

by tooktheredpill 28 Replies latest jw friends

  • TooBad TooSad
    TooBad TooSad

    I don't go from door to door or laundrormat to laundromat. I just turn in bogus hours

    to keep the elders off of my back.

  • isnrblog

    I understand you family connection thing, but don't you realize that they use that to keep you in line?

    I was a Witness until I was 50 years old, not believing since I was in my late 20's but kept in line by the

    very things keeping you in. "To thyne own self be true" If you were truly in love with an individual and your family didn't like that person, would it matter to you? My experience has been that the family will turn on you in a heart beat. Get out when and if you personally fell you should,

  • DaCheech

    I am still a MS, I do about 3 hours of service, and send in a slip that reads 7-9 hours.

    since my kids are still young, I can get away from the others. my problem will be on how to teach my kids enough that

    they can leave on their own. as a result if I DA myself later, my children will not shun me.

    The presvious post that teaches the following applies to me: do the service, waste the mags, but don't do return visits or studies............. nobody I've talked to in the last 10 years has become a witness.

    11 years ago, I had a study come to the meetings, and I freqently talk to him about apostate material. He realized all that is talked about here. and would not give me up!

    we probably call each other 1 a month. I can vent this BS with him!

  • stillajwexelder

    I call it "Theocratic Warfare Strategy"

  • jwfacts

    I was a Witness until I was 50 years old, not believing since I was in my late 20's but kept in line by the

    Welcome isnrblog. That is very sad, and I what I feared. I stopped believing in my mid 20's and stayed till my mid 30's. Now I regret wasting 10 years, but also am grateful that I got out when I did.

    RedPill, leaving gradually is probably the best way. Hassan in Freedom of Mind says to gradually feed cult members information, rather than in one big shocking hit, to which they would put up barriers. If you step down from privileges it will alert family that you have issues with "something", preparing them for your changing stance, without immediately loosing them. Then cut back on your field service etc. In the whole process be cautious about who you give information to when you are asked why the pull back. Say you are sick or whatever to anyone in the congo. But to your family raised just one or two issues at a time. For example, the generation teachings ongoing change makes you realise that you need to spend more time preparing for old age. Or the pedophile issue makes you uncomfortable bringing people into the org. That way you are not saying enough to get d/f, but chipping away at your families cult thinking.

    You do have to realise that at some stage you will have to bite the bullet and leave, and when you do you will loose the majority of family and friends. Sad, but there is nothing you can do to change the sad reality of being raised a cult victim. Whatever happens, you will appreciate your freedom of mind more than people raised in normal families, and will never look back from moving on.

  • AllTimeJeff

    There is no such thing as a hypocrite if someone posts here but is still in. Lest we forget that this is an insidious cult.

    If you did it like I did, which is blow up the bridges and burn up the ashes, then sure, you are free with no pretense. But imo, few are in a position to do it this way. It took everything I had to leave. I am 100% free, and never have to see a JW I know again! Thats great for me, but few are as lucky as I am... As I read here, most have to deal with all sorts of crap. Many have to make decisions NO ONE should have to make. (i.e. If I stand up for my principles and martyr myself, is it worth it to lose all my friends and family?)

    I would rather use the tools of the enemy against them. (such as withholding information from those who are not entitiled to it... Once someone realizes that JW's are full of crap, you don't have to play by those rules anymore, make your own. When you joined, I bet you didn't know you signed over ownership of your family and decisions to grumpy old men. Who gives a FLYING F**K what these morons want...)

    Just to have the guts to be intellectually honest and to stick your head out of the prarie dog holes to say hi here every now and then is tremendous courage!

    I will say it would be best to make a clean break, but the REALITY is that it is rare to do it this way... So keep on keeping on!

  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite

    My answers:

    Why do you still go in Field Service?

    Well, I haven't really gone in real Field Service in a long time. I do go out, make return visits which are mostly social calls, and pad my time. I have to continue to stay 'in' for family, friends, and work reasons. I don't have to worry about successfully recruiting any new JWs. That just doesn't happen around here. So, I don't feel guilty, I just feel like it's a waste of my time.

    Why do I, as an Elder, post on JWD?

    Because I'm a hypocrite, I guess. It's the circumstances that I've gone from a believer with all my heart, to seeing that everything is wrong. I'm so angry about the lies and the wasted years and opportunities, that I intend to help as many others get out of this 'prison' before I turn in my keys and walk away.

  • truthsearcher

    Zico and all: I want to apologize if I gave the impression that Truthsearcher called me any names. As English is not my first language, sometimes is kind of difficult for me to express myself.

    I have been exchanging emails with Truthsearcher for almost a month, and she is one of the kindest people I've found here in the forum. She always have encouraging words for me, and I'm very grateful for her help.

    TTRP: Thank you for the kind words, and for clearing up any potential confusion about my intentions with my questions. I certainly do not stand in judgement of any who are struggling with the best way to leave the Witness cult, rather, my heart goes out to you with the deepest of concern. I have a deep love for all those who are trapped in this destructive cult, and desparately trying to help their families and friends.

    Because this is a discussion forum, I wanted to explore the way some of the newbies are feeling about field service. I suspected that despite the light hearted banter about padding time, there are conflicting feelings simmering below the surface. It can be helpful to talk about this conflict.

    I think it is great if fs gives you some motivation to do extra Bible study. The more you study without the WT blinders on, the more that you will see the way that the Bible has been misrepresented by the Society. I would love to be an RV for you guys, so we could have a really interesting Bible discussion (plus I always bake something yummy, too :),,,and I have certain literature that you might find intriguing, written by some former brothers at Bethel


    How you escape the "Jehovah`s Witness Cult",will very from person to person.....You need to apologize to no one.....You don`t need to explain anything to anyone.....The only thing that matters,is your escape...............Those are the Rules!!............Clint Eastwood...OUTLAW

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