by badboy 21 Replies latest jw friends

  • RR

    C.T. Russell taught and borrowed the idea that each creative day was 7,000 years each, 7 x 7 is 49, thus the 50th would be the jubilee year that would eventually usher ion the Kingdom. He believe it began in 1872 or thereabouts.

    Later the Judge made all these changes without explaining why. he moved the presence from 1874 to 1914, and made may other chronological chnages without any chronology to explainthe dates. It fell on the shoulders of red Franz to make sense of it all, this he did in 1966, when Franz wrote the "Freedom" book adding 102 years to the Chronology, from 1872 to 1975, claiming that teh end of 6,000 years would be in 1975 ushering in the 7,000th and everyone expecting armageddon, even some non-witness groups looked in 1975.


  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    One other group that looked to 1975 was Herbert W. Armstrong's World Wide Church of God, but their reason for their expectation were, I've been told, completely different from the Watchtower chronology.

    Secular groups also feared 1975 - the Watchtower loved mentioning the book "Famine: 1975." The author was a kook. The Watchtower is no longer part of his fan club.

    As for Van Amburgh, on page 214 of THE WAY TO PARADISE he offers a chart showing "the week of sin" seven 'days" of 1,000 years each. Notice that the 7th such "day" is a "day of restoration." that is the millennial rule of Christ which is yet to come according to the WTB&TS. Right NOW we are on the thi line between day 6 and that 7th day. During a quick flip through the book, I couldn't find anyplace that Van Amburgh said we were now 7,000 years along.

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