sept 11 brings out JW blood-lust

by rcranor 15 Replies latest jw friends

  • rcranor

    I met a bunch of witnesses from my old congregation on a ferry to Seattle a month ago. I tried avoiding them but they spotted me and their was no escape. They all seemed to be very jovial and asked me if i was going to the meetings. Because to them Sept 11 was a sure sign the end is near. They we're happy. It was like the best news ever. They we're the only people in the country smiling. One of them gave me a thumbs up as i was leaveing and said: "I know where you'll be this sunday"....

    yeah right....

    I couldn't believe they could be practically celebrating after the deaths of 5000 people. How sick. The scary thing is, if i was still a JW, i'd probably feel the same way. It's situations like that that make me thankful to have gotten out.

  • Room 215
    Room 215

    Hi Richard,
    I envy you that you live in such a beautiful corner of the world. I relate completely to your reaction and the bewilderment you express that the views you (we) once held to to fervently are now so abhorrent to you (us).
    Are we not the same person; have we changed so completely? Fascinating questions these.

  • Ranchette


    I understand what your saying.
    We got email from a witness that seemed to be so excited about what was happening.They just knew the end was almost here!
    No feeling for those lost.
    It turned my stomach especially when I realized I used to reason that way.
    Our natural human feeling and love of man was truly hardened as witnesses.


  • Pureheart

    I am sorry that the JWs acted so heartless. That is not the spirit that they should have.
    Here in our congregation we were devastated over the whole mess. We knew several of the victims. Our hearts went out to them and their families. We help as much as possible and when we can.


  • RedhorseWoman

    I think that that attitude was something that really struck home for me. I still shudder when I think about reading some of the posts on WOL where several people were joyously discussing how they "gave glory and thanks to Jehovah" when they heard the news of the planes slamming into the WTC and the subsequent collapse of the buildings. One "brother" stated in his post that "they haven't seen ANYTHING yet.....JUST WAIT!"

    The callousness of these comments made me feel both sickened and very, very angry. And yet, at one time I might have felt something similar.

  • Bang

    Pureheart writes:

    << Here in our congregation we were devastated over the whole mess. We knew several of the victims. Our hearts went out to them and their families. We help as much as possible and when we can >>

    Bang asks,
    Why are you a JW?


  • JWD

    The very life of the organization hangs on the concept of DESTRUCTION.
    It permiates every facet of the JWs world view. Destruction rears it`s
    head in many areas of life...destruction of family relationship based
    on people`s views regarding `The Truth`, destruction of people`s
    emotional well being due to constant prodding and frequent guilt-trips
    destrution of people`s financial well-being due to a false view of
    the impending doom the world is facing and destruction of people`s
    future goals due to relegating the rest of the world to the realm of
    Satan....The list goes on. People who feed on destruction centered
    teaching for years and years tend to revel in other people`s suffering
    because it is more important to justify their world-view than it is
    to care for other people with compassion and grace.

  • DIM

    richard -

    i loved seattle! we are moving out there in March. I can totally relate to your experience - my mom has been telling me that its been so great since 9/11, because all of the inactive witnesses in her hall are attending again! my reply to her was that they didn't really care about God, and are seeking their own salvation and God will see thru that and kill them anyway - trying to use JW logic against her. That annoyed her pretty good, it was alot of fun.

  • Pureheart

    Hello Bang,
    in response to your question; "why are you a JW"? I was raised as one. My entire family are JWs. It is my world even though there are things in this world that are wrong. I have no control over those things and no voice to make a change. All of the religions that I investigate have problems also. I will not lose my family over other peoples craziness. Every human will stand before the judgement seat of God and answer for himself. I teach and try to live by what I know is the Word of God. When I preach to people and they ask questions about any religion including the WTS I am upfront and honest with them. The WTS said not to start a new student in the middle or the back of the study book, because they will not be able to digest the meatier information. I start them in the back of the study book to let them see what the results will be if they continue thier lessons. I want them to keep their free will and still serve Jehovah with freedom of speech and mind. It works for me.
    I've had my behind kicked plenty of times, but I refuse to let any human take away my dignity.

    Don't want to write a novel. Pureheart

  • Julie

    I have read comments regarding how horrified people are to find out JWs are almost happy about the September 11 attacks. I do not understand this. I knew the day that it happened many a JW would be viewing this as the long awaited "sign" that the time has come! Finally 99.9% of mankind would be obliterated and they alone, only the "faithful ones", would be spared. Isn't this why all those days are wasted schlepping mags all over town and poor working folk are bothered on Saturday mornings by strangers selling "good news"? What's all this surprise about?


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