The WT Clock: Proof that Jehovah is amazing and awe inspiring

by FadingAway 22 Replies latest jw friends

  • mkr32208

    Yeah I call bulllllllshit!!!!!!!!

    What kills ME about his is that the average witnoid is just so desperate for SOME sign that they are willing to believe the most mundane story either real or imagined just to have SOME sign that god gives a crap about their pathetic organization. Isn't that kinda sad when you think about it?

    I mean people donate millions (maybe even billions) to rebuilding places like new orleans and the witnesses get into a rapture about someone donating 5 sheets of Sheetrock to the local quick build.

    I really feel SAD for these wankers that simple every day human kindness and generosity are so far outside the norm of their lives that they consider something that simple to be a miracle.

  • Hortensia

    thanks for the photo - how garish that sign looks. Good taste, WTBTS

  • darth frosty
    darth frosty

    If true, at least they put a meter on the clock and are just paying for it. A lot of people use that clock as it were.

    "***I swear, a GB member could fart and that is evidence to the goodness of Jehovah."

    Isn't this how they initially recieved their calling?

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