Population BOOM!

by nicolaou 18 Replies latest jw friends

  • nicolaou

    Let's assume that there are about 9,000,000 armageddon survivors (baptised JW's and their children), After just 30 years every survivor will be sexually mature and with increased vigour and health.

    Chemical contraception, condoms, I.U.D's etc will all be long gone so any married couple with a normal sex-drive will be producing children at an average rate of about 1 per year.

    World Population at the beginning of the 20th century was less than 1.5 billion. Today it is over 6 billion. That's how fast an imperfect, contraception minded, abortion riddled human society breeds in a single century.

    Now add into the equation that in the New System the death rate will be ZERO!

    Also - it has been estimated that over the past 6000 years 6,000,000,000 have died. If the bulk of these 'righteous and unrighteous' are to be resurrected, then presumably they will start having children too!

    I'm no statistician but I would imagine that within just 2 or 3 centuries of the 1000 year New System of things that the Earth would be toiling under the strain of a population many times larger than we see at present, perhaps 20-30 billion?!

    I'm not really leading up to a question but I just wondered what any JW's might think of this.


  • fancyschmancy28

    I love it! You are correct, of course. I am sure this has never come up. Neither has how are these people going to feed themselves? Clothes?

    This brings up the question of where people will live. I brought this up to my JW mother a few years back and she told me she had "picked out the Art Institute of Chicago". I was dumbfounded. I told her that if Jehovah were to destroy all the people, did it not make sense he would destroy all the buildings? She said, she did not know, Jah would take care of them. However, in case buildings were standing, she had put dibs on the Art Institute. She said she told the elders about it and they agreed to abide by her claim if it was still standing after Armageddon!!

  • ISP

    Nic.........ye of little faith...

    Jehovah just needs to get some more planets going.


  • pettygrudger

    My mother (JW) says that there will be no marriages, child births, etc. in the new order of things. According to her, her marriage w/my father will not even be remembered persee'. They will have no need for childbirth because the earth will be filled w/the resurrected ones. The only reason people gave birth in beginning was to "fill the earth". Once that goal has been accomplished, God will simply stop people from being able to procreate (and perhaps even no more sex).

  • Mindchild

    Hi Nicolaou,

    Anyway you look at math and logic and compare them with the fantasy of living on a paradise earth, it comes up pretty ugly. To start with, the lifestyle that people enjoy here in the USA would certainly be a thing of the past for several reasons. To start, we live in a global culture that requires a massive amount of synergistic activity to sustain. Take energy for example, in America, we are an oil based economy. You need oil products to run cars, heat your homes, and make industry work. To operate and refine the oil supplies of just the USA alone, would take years of college education for thousands of dubs to learn the various job functions...and who the hell is going to teach them...other janitors? Even if you got past this hurdle, how are you going to transport it on a highway system that would undoubtedly be severely damaged? You can just keep going deeper and deeper into the levels of complexity and you soon realize that what the new order would be is nothing less than a new dark ages. The fancy houses the dubs were picking out to live in would soon be less appealling because of having to ride their bicycles or a horse in the winter time. I can also just imagine what dubs would do in a nuclear power plant...make Homer Simpson look like a brain surgeon.

    Next, take the mathematics of what you are suggesting and do some extrapolation. Let's pretend that our hypothetical end of the world survivors are each allowed to have 2 children in their reproductive lifespan. After all this is fair isn't it because so many gave up having kids to pioneer before the end never came. Anyway, what would the damage be as a result using your 9,000,000 figure? Well I ran it through a spreadsheet for only 500 years and came up with this number:

    multiply 1207959507 by 1,000,000 or this roughly over 1000 trillion people. Still going to fit em' all in the state of Texas? LOL! It would be impossible by even advanced technology (something that Witnesses shun as much as apostates) to house, feed, and keep alive that many people. It would be much worse than the most populated parts of India. It would be a hell on Earth?

    I don't even wanna visit.


  • joelbear

    petty is right

    no marriage therefore no sex for resurrected ones and the general feeling among the bethelites that I speculated with was that sex would eventually be phased out, but replaced with something better.

    Wait on Jehovah people.


  • Stephanus

    Your assumptions are flawed, Nicolaou. Population growth is in decline in the West, where the raising of children is seen to be a liability. In the Third World, where children are seen as an asset, your retirement benefits if you like, population growth is still very high. But even in the third world, population growth is slowing; people tend to have as many kids as they believe they can afford to support, no matter where they are. For a good resource on this subject see:

    How this bears on the Dubs' vision of Paradise is irrelevant, because the whole thing is an illogical fantasy.

  • ashitaka

    Is Joel being humorous? lolol

  • blondie

    In the Bible, God is actually shown as stopping people's procreative powers or starting them up again. So the WTS has theorized that when the earth is comfortably filled, that God will shut off everyone's ability to have children.

  • mike


    the WTS has theorized that when the earth is comfortably filled, that God will shut off everyone's ability to have children.

    At last! The Watchtower have worked out a way to solve their pedophile problem.


    "Doubt is not a pleasant mental state but certainty is a ridiculous one." --Voltaire

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