Put Christ back in Christmas

by free2beme 22 Replies latest jw friends

  • RunningMan

    The war on Christmas is completely imaginary.

    If an individual wants to refer the holiday in any way they chose, including "Christmas", they are free to do so. The only ones that I have ever heard complaining about the label are the Christians, who seem to think that they should impose on everyone else to say the same words that they do.

    Call it whatever the hell you want, and let everyone else do the same thing.

  • hubert
    If an individual wants to refer the holiday in any way they chose, including "Christmas", they are free to do so.

    HOWEVER .......Every store that I have been to in the last week, the employees say as I'm leaving..."happy holiday". So, tell me that store employees are NOT being told to say that by their managers.

    By the way, I answer.....MERRY CHRISTMAS !!!

    It's been called Christmas for hundreds of years, and now "all of a sudden" some jerks decide it isn't "politically correct" to call it that anymore.

    Oh, are they going to remove the words to all those old songs too?

    What's next after that? Will they start arresting people for "mentioning " the word "Christmas" in public?????


  • beksbks
    The war on Christmas is completely imaginary

    Amen Running Man! Frankly, I've been out and about a lot this holiday season, and I have seen a plenty Merry Christmas and all that goes with it. And I live in the SF Bay Area of California, one of the MOST liberal and diverse areas of....................the world. I actually think one of the main reasons that the Merry Christmas issue is in question, is money. I work in the Library, a government building. Most libraries now, are at least partially funded by local tax initiatives that had to be VOTED on by the local community. That very diverse community. Ok. How about business? Most business's want to appeal to as many consumers as possible, so of course they are going to consider the fact that many of them are not celebrating Christmas. So "Happy Holidays". One more thing. I don't know how many of you were raised as dubs, but I was. I hated Christmas time. It was one of the most embarrassing and unfun times of the year. Any craft that was done (I can remember specifics here) with a Christmas theme, chorus (which we all were in) at this time of year, I had to either go sit in some other room, and doodle or stand silent while everyone around me sang the words, or make crafts that were of another sort. Which of course started all the questions from other kids. Never mind the horror that was going back after the Christmas break, and having to deal with all the whys then. I think it's terrific if we take religion out of public areas, if for no other reason than to preserve a few poor dub kids some misery. I absolutely love Christmas, and have zero belief in the whole god/jesus fantasy.
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