WT Comments (Dec 17-23 DEEP THINGS) FEATURING JK666

by V 41 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • bobld

    Let's see if I understand the deep thing of the WBTS.1--God's wisdom is revealed to christians by Holy Spirit.2--Bible study is hard work.But understanding "the deep things of God" is not difficult.3--Durning Jesus ministry God revealed his understanding to unlettered and ordinary men.(not to wise intellectual or those educated in schools..more about these later).4--Deep things are not necessarily difficult things.Bottom line it doesn't take a rocket scientest to understand the Bible.However,for over 1800 years no one could understand the Bible until 1879 so was God wrong see 1-4.Now the wise intellectual and those educated in schools:would you say these would be:Doctors,Lawyers,Engineers,Accountants,Computer programmers,Language translators.If you said yes,you are correct.Are not these educated people in the HQ of the WBTS that are providing the food to the domestics.Worldwide,all congregation of the wbts enjoy a similar program,such as the generation that saw 1914 would not pass away but see the new system.Oh,oh God did not provide HOLY SPIRIT to wise intellectual educated ones.

  • yknot

    What I stand to listen to on Sunday.


    As usual I will be printing out the WT Comments to keep my spirits up!

    Of course leaving the copy somewhere to be found by another JW

    OH BTW Dan Sydlik passed away we are now only blessed with 9 GB, to do our thinking for us.

  • blondie

    "The spirit searches into all things, even the deep things of God. "-1 CORINTHIANS 2:10.

    Q1) What are some Bible truths that cause new Bible students to be joyful?

    1) Most of us in the Christian congregation can recall the joy we felt when we first learned the truth. We discovered why Jehovah's name is important, why he permits suffering, why some people go to heaven, and what the future holds for faithful mankind in general. We may have looked into the Bible before that, but these things were hidden from us, as they are from most of mankind. We were like a man peering through the water at a coral reef. Unaided, he sees little of the beautiful things below the surface. But with the aid of diving goggles or a glass-bottomed boat, he is thrilled to see for the first time brilliantly colored corals, fish, sea anemones, and other fascinating creatures. Similarly, when someone began to help us to understand the Scriptures, we had our first glimpse of "the deep things of God."-1 Corinthians 2:8-10.

    Q2) Why can the joy of learning from God's Word be unending?

    2) Should we be satisfied with only a glimpse of Bible truth? The expression "the deep things of God" includes the understanding of God's wisdom that is revealed to Christians by holy spirit but is obscured to others. (1 Corinthians 2:7) What a limitless field of exploration the wisdom of God provides for our enjoyment! We will never know everything about the wisdom of God's ways. The joy we experienced when we first learned the primary Bible teachings can remain with us indefinitely if we continue without letup searching into "the deep things of God."

    Glimpse of Bible truth--that is all jws get because the WTS picks and chooses the scriptures and it is a myth that any but a small minority of jws
    ever read the Bible through, let alone read the WTS proferred scriptures in context.
    How many jws can explain the trinity or 1914, just with the Bible without a WTS publication prop?

    Q3) Why do we need a thorough understanding of the reasons for our beliefs?

    3) Why do we need to understand those "deep things"? Understanding not only what we believe but why we believe it–the underlying reasons for our beliefs–strengthens our faith and confidence. The Scriptures tell us to use our "power of reason" to "prove to [ourselves] the good and acceptable and perfect will of God." (Romans 12:1, 2) Understanding why Jehovah asks us to live in a certain way fortifies our resolve to obey him. Therefore, knowledge of "the deep things" can give us strength to resist temptation to engage in lawless acts and can move us to be "zealous for fine works."-Titus 2:14.

    Is the faith and confidence based on the Bible or more accurately what "the Society says"? If the Bible says different, the average jw will go with the WTS. Obey Jehovah = Obey the WTS.

    *** w05 3/15 p. 24 Highlights From the Book of First Samuel ***

    What a privilege we have to share in the worldwide Kingdom-preaching and disciple-making work! As we offer to Jehovah “the young bulls of our lips,” we must do our best to obey the direction he gives through his written Word and the earthly part of his organization.—Hosea 14:2; Hebrews 13:15.

    *** w98 8/15 p. 19 par. 12 Strengthening Our Confidence in God’s Righteousness ***

    Let us be convinced that obeying Jehovah, following the direction given through his organization and accepting his decisions, is the right thing to do.

    *** w97 11/15 p. 18 par. 20 Faith Moves Us to Action! ***

    Wisdom from above is “ready to obey,” promoting obedience to divine teaching and cooperation with Jehovah’s organization.

    *** w91 9/15 p. 17 par. 12 “Help Me Out Where I Need Faith!” ***

    During the great tribulation, it will be just as imperative that we follow the leadings of the holy spirit and obey Jehovah’s instructions through his organization.

    *** w66 3/1 p. 148 par. 18 The Additional Obligations of the Overseer ***

    Show respect for God’s visible organization, be cooperative and be quick to obey theocratic instructions and be willing to accept counsel.

    *** w62 8/15 p. 493 par. 21 Children, Do You Obey Jehovah? ***

    If you want to obey Jehovah you will engage regularly in the ministerial activities that are arranged by the theocratic organization.

    What do they mean by lawless acts? God's laws or WTS laws?

    Q4) What does Bible study involve?

    4) Understanding deep things requires study. However, study is not the same as reading something superficially. It involves carefully examining information to see how it fits the pattern of what we already know. (2 Timothy 1:13) It entails perceiving the reasons for what is said. Bible study should include meditating on how we can use what we learn in making wise decisions and in helping others. Also, since "all Scripture is inspired of God and beneficial," our study should include "every utterance coming forth through Jehovah's mouth." (2 Timothy 3:16, 17; Matthew 4:4) Bible study can be hard work! But it can also be delightful, and understanding "the deep things of God" is not too difficult.

    Requires study--not highlighting or underlining on the way to the KH or at the KH so the mike handlers can see you studied. Some haven't even read the article and some do not even have a copy of the magazine when they arrive.
    Meditation on what the WTS wants you to think and do...analyze the publications not the Bible.

    *** w06 4/1 pp. 24-25 par. 15 ‘Go and Make Disciples, Baptizing Them’ ***

    Both at our meetings and through our personal study of Bible publications, we can see Jehovah’s spirit at work, directing his organization. By means of these regular provisions, God alerts us to dangers, trains us to be effective ministers, and helps us to keep spiritually awake.—Psalm 19:7, 8, 11; 1 Thessalonians 5:6, 11; 1 Timothy 4:13.

    *** w04 3/15 p. 18 par. 18 “Fully Accomplish Your Ministry” ***

    Our interest in others will motivate us to ‘reason from the Scriptures.’ (Acts 17:2, 3) This calls for prayerful study and wise use of publications made available through “the faithful steward.” (Luke 12:42-44)

    *** w05 5/15 p. 24 par. 16 Coming to Know Jehovah’s Ways ***

    Jehovah is “a God merciful and gracious.” If you have the reference work Insight on the Scriptures, why not read what it says under “Mercy”? Or do research on that subject with the use of the Watch Tower Publications Index or the computer program Watchtower Library (CD-ROM).

    *** w01 8/1 pp. 11-12 par. 18 Can You “Distinguish Both Right and Wrong”? ***

    Bear in mind that it is “through use” that we can have our perceptive powers trained to distinguish both right and wrong. In other words, every time we are faced with a decision, we should learn to use our mental powers to discern what Bible principles are involved and how they can be applied. Develop the habit of doing research in Bible publications provided through “the faithful and discreet slave.” (Matthew 24:45)

    Jehovah Helps the Meek to Understand

    Q5) Who can understand "the deep things of God"?

    5) Even if you did not excel at school and are unaccustomed to study, you should not imagine that "the deep things of God" are beyond your grasp. During Jesus' earthly ministry, Jehovah revealed an understanding of His purpose, not to wise and intellectual ones, but to unlettered and ordinary men who were humble enough to be taught by God's servant. They seemed like babes in comparison with those educated in the schools. (Matthew 11:25; Acts 4:13) Concerning "the things that God has prepared for those who love him," the apostle Paul wrote to his fellow believers: "It is to us God has revealed them through his spirit, for the spirit searches into all things, even the deep things of God."-1 Corinthians 2:9, 10.

    What did it mean to be unlettered and ordinary men....that they could not read, did not study the Bible in the synagogue weekly but rather that they did not study in the religious schools. But did that mean they had no education? Isn't the real reason most jws don't study is that they have no time, it is boring and repetitive and couched in words meant to be hard to understand, ambiguous in meaning so it can be changed down the road?

    Q6) What does 1 Corinthians 2:10 mean?

    6) How does God's spirit search "into all things, even the deep things of God"? Rather than give each Christian a separate revelation, Jehovah uses his spirit to direct his organization, which provides God's unified people with an understanding of the Bible. (Acts 20:28; Ephesians 4:3-6) Worldwide, all congregations enjoy a similar program of Bible study. Over a period of years, they cover the entire range of Bible teachings. Holy spirit acts through the congregation to help people adopt the attitude needed to understand "the deep things of God."-Acts 5:32.

    Rather than give each Christian (only jws) a separate revelation....thus the Bible is inadequate to the task, even with holy spirit to be understood by the reader unless an ORGANIZATION explains it. When Paul was dealing with those who had different ideas about the resurrection, did he refer to the "organization," the "governing body," to some official organizational publication or consult a body of elders, a CO or DO, etc.?
    (2 Timothy 2:14-18) 14 Keep reminding them of these things, charging them before God as witness, not to fight about words, a thing of no usefulness at all because it overturns those listening. 15 Do your utmost to present yourself approved to God, a workman with nothing to be ashamed of, handling the word of the truth aright. 16 But shun empty speeches that violate what is holy; for they will advance to more and more ungodliness, 17 and their word will spread like gangrene. Hy·me·nae'us and Phi·le'tus are of that number. 18 These very [men] have deviated from the truth, saying that the resurrection has already occurred; and they are subverting the faith of some.

    [Picture on page 28] When did Jesus become the promised Seed?

    What "the Deep Things of God" Include

    Q7) Why do many people not understand "the deep things of God"?

    7) We should not think that "deep things" are necessarily difficult things. Knowledge of "the deep things of God" is obscured from most people, not because the wisdom of God is too difficult to acquire, but because Satan deceives people into rejecting the help that Jehovah provides through His organization.-2 Corinthians 4:3, 4.

    Satan deceives people....Satan is stronger than the Bible and the holy spirit?
    Who are they rejecting, the Bible and God, or a man-made organization that has waffled on its prophecies for over a 100 years: 1874, 1914,
    1915, 1920, 1925, 1940's, 1975, 1984, 1994, very soon now?
    The word organization does not even appear in the Bible. Note this reasoning the WTS uses regarding the trinity:

    *** w04 3/15 p. 19 par. 19 “Fully Accomplish Your Ministry” ***

    Jesus’ skillful use of questions helped people to reason. (Matthew 17:24-27) If we ask viewpoint questions that do not embarrass a Bible student, his answers may reveal what he thinks about a certain subject. We may find that he still holds unscriptural views. For instance, he may believe in the Trinity. In chapter 3, the Knowledge book points out that the word “Trinity” does not appear in the Bible.

    *** w94 6/1 p. 11 par. 14 Have You Found the Right Religion? ***

    The New Encyclopædia Britannica states: “Neither the word Trinity nor the explicit doctrine appears in the New Testament.” (1992, Micropædia, Volume 11, page 928)

    *** w93 7/1 p. 16 par. 16 Christians and Human Society Today ***

    The book The Paganism in Our Christianity states: “Jesus Christ never mentioned such a phenomenon [a coequal Trinity], and nowhere in the New Testament does the word ‘Trinity’ appear.

    *** w98 9/1 p. 8 par. 2 Keep Safe as Part of God’s Organization ***

    A statement in the December 1, 1922, issue of The Watchtower suggested the answer: “We are now in the evil day. The fight is on between Satan’s organization and God’s organization. It is a desperate fight.” In this conflict, God’s organization is a place of spiritual safety. The word “organization” does not appear in the Bible, and back in the 1920’s, “God’s organization” was a new expression


    *** w81 5/1 pp. 30-31 Questions From Readers ***

    Since the word “organization” does not occur in the Bible, even in its original languages, what right do we have to say that God has an organization or to speak of God’s organization?

    A modern Hebrew word for “organization” is the noun ir·gun'. It is drawn from the Hebrew verb e·rag', which means “to arrange in line,” as well as “to follow.” Correspondingly, an organization is an arrangement of things. (For an example of this, one can refer to “Things in Which It Is Impossible for God to Lie,” chapter 17, paragraph 28, in the Hebrew edition.)The Hebrew language has another word equivalent for “organization,” namely, histadruth'. This word is based upon a word that is found in the original Hebrew Scriptures. The basic or key letters in the word histadruth' are s and d and r. With these three consonants is built up the Hebrew verb sadar', which means, basically, “to arrange in order,” thus producing an arrangement. The reflexive form of the verb sadar' serves as the basis for the noun histadruth', which means “organization.”

    Although we do not find this word in the inspired Hebrew Scriptures, we do find the related Hebrew noun seder in Job 10:22. There this noun is used in the plural number, being spelled s?darim'. The English Revised Version renders Job 10:22 as follows: “A land of thick darkness, as darkness itself; A land of the shadow of death, without any order [s?darim'], And where the light is as darkness.” (Also, Authorized Version; Young’s Literal Translation.) The New World Translation here reads: “To the land of obscurity like gloom, of deep shadow and disorder [lo s?darim'], where it beams no more than gloom does.” (Also, Rotherham’s The Emphasised Bible.) Disorder, without any order, here would mean a lack of arrangement, a disorganized state.

    To this day the Jews use the word seder. A seder is part of the Jewish Mishnah. Under the word “Mishna,” M’Clintock and Strong’s Cyclopædia says: “The Mishnah is divided into six parts (. . . , Sedarim, arrangements), which contain 62 treatises . . . and 514 chapters . . . The latter, again, are divided into numbered sections.”

    So in the original Hebrew Bible the word for “order” or “arrangement” is to be found. Emphasizing the needs for order and arrangement in the Christian congregation, the apostle Paul wrote to the Christians in Corinth: “For God is not a God of confusion, but of peace; as in all the churches of the saints. But let all things be done decently and in order [Hebrew translations: s?darim' n?khonim'].” (1 Cor. 14:33, 40, English Revised Version; Authorized Version) This apostolic counsel of the first century applies with equal force today to all congregations of the Christian witnesses of Jehovah. The apostle Paul wrote in the common Greek of the day, and the Greek word for “organization” is or·gan'o·sis. The root for this word is er'gon, a word meaning “work” that is found repeatedly in the Christian Greek Scriptures.

    All things considered in the light of the Scriptures, it is straining the point to argue that God has no organization in view of the fact that the original words meaning “organization” in ancient languages do not occur in the inspired Hebrew and Greek Scriptures. In everything God demonstrates that he has the ability to organize. What would happen if he did not organize his obedient creatures? As a structure an organization is a body of intelligent persons who are brought together and arranged so as to work peacefully and harmoniously together in carrying out a common purpose, the purpose of the organizer.

    In line with this fact, God is repeatedly called “Jehovah of armies.” An army is an organized body of troops. So, in support of the truth that God has an organization, we read the following exhortation addressed to his organization: “Bless Jehovah, O you angels of his, mighty in power, carrying out his word, by listening to the voice of his word. Bless Jehovah, all you armies of his, you ministers of his, doing his will. Bless Jehovah, all you his works, in all places of his domination.” (Ps. 103:20-22) Jehovah had an organization of heavenly spirit creatures before ever he created our earth and put man upon it.

    Against various backgrounds God uses figures of speech to refer to his organization. The first case of this is in Genesis 3:15, where God speaks of his celestial spiritual organization as “the woman,” in opposition to “the serpent,” a figure of speech denoting Satan the Devil. Compare Genesis 3:14; Revelation 12:9.) This rebel against God has imitated him and built up an organization against God’s organization, God’s figurative “woman.”

    Q8) To what deep things did Paul refer in the third chapter of his letter to the Ephesians?

    8) The third chapter of Paul's letter to the Ephesians shows that "the deep things of God" include many truths that most of Jehovah's people understand quite well, such as the identity of the promised Seed, the selection from among mankind of individuals with a heavenly hope, and the Messianic Kingdom. Paul wrote: "In other generations this secret was not made known to the sons of men as it has now been revealed to his holy apostles and prophets by spirit, namely, that people of the nations should be joint heirs and fellow members of the body and partakers with us of the promise in union with Christ Jesus." Paul said that he had been assigned to "make men see how the sacred secret is administered which has from the indefinite past been hidden in God." -Ephesians 3:5-9.

    Jehovah's people--only jws
    Not only natural Jews would be chosen to serve with Christ, to be Christians, since all who were chosen and baptized had the hope of going to
    heaven. What happened though in the WTS by 1935...they shut the door to heaven which has just recently been opened again in 2007, just in
    time to explain the increase in 2006 and 2007, over 500 more anointed.



    Q9) Why is it a privilege to understand "the deep things of God"?

    9) Paul went on to explain God's will that also "in the heavenly places there might be made known through the congregation the greatly diversified wisdom of God." (Ephesians 3:10) Angels benefit by observing and understanding the wisdom of Jehovah's dealings with the Christian congregation. What a privilege for us to understand things that interest even angels! (1 Peter 1:10-12) Next, Paul says that we should strive to "grasp mentally with all the holy ones what is the breadth and length and height and depth" of the Christian faith. (Ephesians 3: 11, 18) Let us now consider some examples of deep things that could expand our comprehension.

    Remember though that the GB does not judge the angels until they die and go to heaven. Are the anointed "higher" than the great crowd on earth? Do the holy ones grasp things better than the great crowd. Didn't the GB say that good Bible undersanding was not certain proof one had been called to heaven? Deep things Blondie wants to know, when the marriage of the Bride of Christ takes place and will some of them miss it because they are still living as humans on earth? Inquiring minds want to know.

    Examples of Deep Things

    Q10, 11) According to the Scriptures, when did Jesus become the primary part of the "seed" of God's heavenly "woman"?

    10) We know that Jesus is the primary part of the "seed" of God's heavenly "woman" referred to at Genesis 3:15. To broaden our understanding, we might ask: `When did Jesus become the promised Seed? Was it sometime during his prehuman existence, at his birth as a human, at his baptism, or upon his being resurrected?'

    So what is your guess? at which time? How many jws could answer this according to the WTS doctrine at this point?

    11) God had promised that the heavenly part of his organization, referred to in prophecy as his "woman," would produce a seed that would bruise the serpent in the head. But thousands of years went by, and God's woman produced no seed capable of destroying Satan and his works. Consequently, Isaiah's prophecy calls her "barren" and "hurt in spirit." (Isaiah 54:1, 5, 6) Eventually, Jesus was born in Bethlehem. But only after his baptism, when he was begotten by the spirit to become a spiritual son of God, did Jehovah announce: "This is my Son." (Matthew 3:17; John 3:3) The primary part of the "seed" of the woman had finally presented himself. Later, followers of Jesus were also anointed and begotten by holy spirit. Jehovah's "woman," who for so long had felt like a "woman that did not give birth," could at long last "cry out joyfully."-Isaiah 54:1; Galatians 3:29.

    Yet what did the angels say at Jesus' birth?
    (Luke 2:8-14) 8 There were also in that same country shepherds living out of doors and keeping watches in the night over their flocks. 9 And
    suddenly Jehovah’s angel stood by them, and Jehovah’s glory gleamed around them, and they became very fearful. 10 But the angel said to
    them: “Have no fear, for, look! I am declaring to YOU good news of a great joy that all the people will have, 11 because there was born to YOU
    today a Savior, who is Christ [the] Lord, in David’s city. 12 And this is a sign for YOU: YOU will find an infant bound in cloth bands and lying in a
    manger.” 13 And suddenly there came to be with the angel a multitude of the heavenly army, praising God and saying: 14 “Glory in the heights
    above to God, and upon earth peace among men of goodwill.”

    Q12, 13) What scriptures show that all anointed Christians on earth constitute "the faithful and discreet slave"?

    12) A second example of deep things that have been revealed to us concerns God's purpose to select 144,000 from among mankind. (Revelation 14:1, 4) We accept the teaching that all of the anointed ones living on earth at any given time constitute "the faithful and discreet slave" that Jesus said would provide timely "food" for his domestics. (Matthew 24:45) What Bible texts prove that this understanding is correct? Might Jesus have referred in a general sense to any Christian who builds up his brothers with spiritual nourishment?

    13) God told the nation of Israel: "You are my witnesses ... even my servant whom I have chosen." (Isaiah 43:10) But on Nisan 11 of the year 33 C.E., Jesus told the leaders of Israel that God had rejected their nation from being His servant. He said: "The kingdom of God will be taken from you and be given to a nation producing its fruits." Jesus said to the crowds: "Look! Your house is abandoned to you." (Matthew 21:43; 23:38) As Jehovah's slave, the house of Israel was neither faithful nor discreet. (Isaiah 29:13, 14) Later that same day, when Jesus asked: "Who really is the faithful and discreet slave?" he was in effect asking, `What discreet nation will replace Israel to be God's faithful slave?' The apostle Peter gave the answer when he told the congregation of anointed Christians: "You are ...'a holy nation, a people for special possession.'" (1 Peter 1:4; 2:9) That spiritual nation, "the Israel of God," became Jehovah's new slave. (Galatians 6:16) Just as all members of ancient Israel formed one "servant," so also all anointed Christians on earth at any one time form one "faithful and discreet slave." What a privilege it is for us to receive "food" through God's slave!

    Literal Israelites were called Jehovah's Witnesses---then we should reason that only "spiritual" Israelites are really Jehovah's Witnesses, not the great crowd. Originally, in the 1930's, only the anointed were considered jws and the great crowd their companions.
    Peter was speaking only to the "congregation of anointed Christians."
    FDS = all anointed Christians (only jws) on earth at any one time" (mentioned 2 times)
    144,000 considered literal yet the 12 tribes mentioned are not literal, including Levi and Joseph. Who were the anointed between 100 A.D. and
    1879 A.D.? Only WTS after 1879???
    Who was the FDS after Jesus' death--all Christians--not just a GB (word not in the Bible) did Paul write under their direction or was he like all
    Christians of his time part of the FDS--all anointed--all giving out spiritual food. Do all the anointed jws today give out or play a part in the WTS
    publications or only a small, elite group?

    Personal Study Can Be Enjoyable

    Q14) Why does Bible study, more than mere reading, bring joy?

    14) When fresh understanding of the Scriptures is opened to us, do we not feel happy because of the way it strengthens our faith? That is why Bible study, more so than mere reading, can be such a joy. Therefore, when you read Christian publications, ask yourself: `How does this explanation compare with what I previously understood about the subject? What additional Scripture texts or arguments can I think of that would provide further support for the conclusions being presented in this article?' If further research is required, make a note of the question you would like to have answered, and make it the subject of a future study project.

    Christian publications--only those printed by the WTS/jws
    Compare with previously understood
    Superior authorities
    1879-1929 secular governments
    1929-1962 God and Jesus
    1962-2007 secular governments
    Sodom & Gomorrah resurrected--in and out of Gehenna many times
    Scream when raped--yes and no many times
    Can jws remember scriptures without the prompting of WTS publications?
    Further research--just don't use non-WTS publications even though the WTS does themselves (misquoting and misapplying, and failing to cite location and source).

    Q15) What study projects can be enjoyable, and how can they have lasting benefit?

    15) What study projects would give you the joy of new insight? Such projects as an indepth analysis of the various covenants that God has entered into for mankind's benefit are enlightening. You could strengthen your faith by making a study of the prophecies pointing to Jesus Christ or a verse-by-verse consideration of one of the prophetic books of the Bible. Faith-strengthening too is a review of the modern-day history of Jehovah's Witnesses, using the book Jehovah's Witnesses–Proclaimers of God's Kingdom, if you have this publication available in your language. And a review of past "Questions From Readers" published in The Watchtower would surely lead you to a fresh understanding of certain texts. Take special note of the Scriptural reasoning used to reach the conclusions presented. This will help you to train your "perceptive powers" and to develop discernment. (Hebrews 5:14) As you study, make notes either in your personal copy of the Bible or on a sheet of paper so that your study will have lasting benefit for you and those you are able to help.

    Study projects! jws hardly study what is required: book study, TMS, SM, WTS, prepare for ministry, study with children and spouse
    Various covenants--do jws understand that the great crowd is not under the new covenant and that Jesus is not their mediator?
    Proclaimers book--when some jws finally saw the WTS history, they left, knowing it did not have God's backing. Now was Christ present in 1874
    or 1914; became king in 1878 or 1914; the calling to heaven end in 1881, 1935 or ?
    QFR--see how policy on oral sex changed in 6 years
    QFR--see how policies on blood fractions changed
    QFR--see how beastiality wasn't then was grounds for a scriptural divorce

    Help Young Ones to Enjoy Bible Study

    Q16) How can you help young people to enjoy Bible study?

    16) Parents can do much to stimulate the spiritual appetite of their children. Do not underestimate the ability of youths to understand deep things. If you assign youngsters a subject to research in preparation for the family Bible study, you can ask them about what they learned. Family study can also include practice sessions to help young people to learn how to defend their faith and to prove that what they have been taught is true. In addition, you can use the brochure "See the Good Land" to teach Bible geography and to clarify what you are covering in your weekly Bible reading.

    During one CO visit, he analyzed the studies on record and found that only 2 families were having studies with minor children; 10 did not
    including elders and MS...........
    Subject to research--do children see parents researching, preparing, reading, not just cramming in the car as they drive to the meeting?

    [Picture on page 31] Parents can assign their children subjects to research in preparation for the family study

    Q17) Why do we need to be balanced in our personal Bible study projects?

    17) Personal Bible study projects can be fascinating and faith strengthening, but be careful not to allow them to overshadow
    your preparation for congregation meetings. The meetings are another way that Jehovah instructs us through "the faithful and discreet slave." However, additional research may contribute to your making meaningful comments at meetings–for example, at the Congregation Book Study or during highlights from the weekly Bible reading for the Theocratic Ministry School.

    Personal Bible study projects--not overshadow preparation for congregation meetings.................where will jws find the time?
    Meaningful comments--does the WTS want jws to go beyond the printed material in the article? Recent directions to the WT overseer say no,
    that they should stay in the material.
    Once again the WTS speaks out of both sides of its mouth.

    Q18) Why is the effort required to study "the deep things of God" worthwhile?

    18) Deep personal study of God's Word can help you to draw close to Jehovah. Showing the value of such study, the Bible says: "Wisdom is for a protection the same as money is for a protection; but the advantage of knowledge is that wisdom itself preserves alive its owners." (Ecclesiastes 7:12) Therefore, the effort required to deepen your understanding of spiritual things is worthwhile. The Bible promises those who keep searching: "You will find the very knowledge of God."-Proverbs 2:4, 5.

    Once again the WTS shows how it is "Jehovah" centered and that their members are "Jehovah's Witnesses" not Christians, not followers of Christ, not witnesses of Christ.
    (Acts 1:8) 8 but YOU will receive power when the holy spirit arrives upon YOU, and YOU will be witnesses of me both in Jerusalem and in all
    Ju·de'a and Sa·mar'i·a and to the most distant part of the earth.”
    (Revelation 17:6) 6 And I saw that the woman was drunk with the blood of the holy ones and with the blood of the witnesses of Jesus.. . .
    (1 Peter 2:21) 21 In fact, to this [course] YOU were called, because even Christ suffered for YOU, leaving YOU a model for YOU to follow his
    steps closely.
    (Acts 11:26) 26 and, after he found him, he brought him to Antioch. It thus came about that for a whole year they gathered together with them in
    the congregation and taught quite a crowd, and it was first in Antioch that the disciples were by divine providence called Christians.
    By divine providence they were called Christians not Jehovah's Witnesses, but witnesses of Jesus.
  • garybuss

    4) Understanding deep things requires study. However, study is not the same as reading something superficially. It involves carefully examining information to see how it fits the pattern of what we already know.

    So tell me again how a non-Witness would become a believing Witness using the principle above. If a Witness studies with say . . . a Catholic person . . . this is what the "study" is told?

  • xjwms

    Par 12 & 13

    Oh yeah, .. it continues to be all about Control.


  • BizzyBee

    they err less than any other religiuos organization. If so by this virtue alone they stand first in line to be recognized by God of the Bible as the true christian organization.

    God don't need no stinkin' organization.

    Good job, JK.

  • Room 215
    Room 215
    “However, genuine anointed Christians do not demand special attention. They do not believe that their being of the anointed gives them special “insights,” beyond what even some experienced members of the great crowd may have. They do not believe that they necessarily have more holy spirit than their companions of the other sheep have; nor do they expect special treatment or claim that their partaking of the emblem places them above the appointed elders in the congregation. They humbly remember that some anointed men in the first century did not qualify to serve as elders or ministerial servants.” – page 31
    Just let one of these purported ``anointed" in the boonies try to submit articles for publication, or any comment or suggestion on doctrine by invoking his imagined status as a member of the FDS club, and watch how quickly he will be told, tactifully at first and then with increasing severity, to ``butt out of Brooklyn's business."
  • Abandoned
    So tell me again how a non-Witness would become a believing Witness using the principle above. If a Witness studies with say . . . a Catholic person . . . this is what the "study" is told?

    Good catch.

  • BizzyBee
    Just let one of these purported ``anointed" in the boonies try to submit articles for publication, or any comment or suggestion on doctrine by invoking his imagined status as a member of the FDS club, and watch how quickly he will be told, tactifully at first and then with increasing severity, to ``butt out of Brooklyn's business."

    Are you speaking from bitter experience?


    It would be interesting to submit some of JCanon or OBVES ruminations as emanating from one of the anointed and see the reaction from Brooklyn. Or not.

  • JK666

    If OBVES would be a new replacement when another GB member croaks, things WOULD get interesting!


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