Tell me your problems, I'll tell you mine..................................

by Warlock 34 Replies latest jw friends

  • Warlock

    Since everyone is venting about their problems, and rightfully so, I decided to start this vent thread. I'll start:

    As I told Mary, I spent $1100.00 to have a car in my household repaired. My car needs about $1000.00 worth of work that needs to be done, soon. I owe my wife's doctors over $2000.00 and rising. I had been laid off for 3 months before I found a job in Oct. paying me $4.00 an hour LESS than what I was making. I finally found a job that pays me closer to what I was making.

    I'm paying for my daughters education, and it ain't cheap.

    Price inflation is making it more and more difficult, especially for a one income family, like mine.

    The stock market is down.


  • nvrgnbk

    I don't have any.

    I just have situations that will be resolved in time.

    Tell me more about your problems, Warlock.

  • faundy

    My boss is a bitch, I have no money when it's nearly Christmas, and my girlfriend has gone away for two weeks. My problems seem small in comparison.

  • Warlock
    I just have situations that will be resolved in time.


    That's all you CAN do.

    Accept them, and deal with them as best you can.

    As bad as things are, they could be ALOT worse.


  • Priest73

    One of my dogs pee'd in my kitchen this morning. I went to make coffee and got the ole "wet sock."
    But alas they are old dogs 14 and 12. sometimes they just can't hold it till I get up.

  • What-A-Coincidence

    sorry to hear about that batty.

    i hear that their is CASH FLOW in starting a new religion

    - i got a few situations, just kinda surviving monetarily but other than that it's all good.

  • Warlock
    i hear that their is CASH FLOW in starting a new religion

    LOL. You can be the pastor, I'll be ASSistant pastor..



  • llbh

    Funny thing is when I had real problems i did not realise it at the time , i was to busy trying to sort them out then I thought about them afterward, and thought omg

    regards llbh

  • changeling

    Warlock, I won't bore you with mine, and like nvr said, they are all just situations that will resolve themselves in time.

    Perspective is everything in life.



  • Sad emo
    Sad emo

    Work sux, pay is crap and I sometimes get the impression I'm being taken for a ride.

    but it'll pass.

    Hope things brighten up for everyone else here too

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