I think I am an Atheist (current JW)

by Robert7 30 Replies latest jw friends

  • MadTiger

    Try to find out the truth, no matter where it leads. Build your ideology one piece at a time.

  • AnnOMaly

    Hi Robert7

    None of your bullet points would be reason alone to suggest you are an atheist. They suggest that you don't believe the JW brand of religion/God. Different thing.

    And Welcome

  • Armageddon Dad
    Armageddon Dad

    I am glad to see you and your wife had a heart to heart, but do not reveal too much all at once like not going to meetings. The problem is see, if the Elders see her alone at KH they will start putting thier oar in and stirring things up for you both. So what you need to do is continue going to the meetings and afterwards very gently to her point out things which "don't seem right", very very gently and not tooo often. After much patience she may start to think about this herself and come to the same decision as you. When this happens the both of you have more of an influence over your children and it would be easier for them.

    You really don't want to let the elders to start interfering while your back is turned. It's going to take a while and a lot of patience but I think it is doable.

  • MissingLink

    Rob. I'm right there with you my brother. Going thru pretty much the same thing. For me the motivating factor is the kids. I don't want my kids brainwashed. A father would give his life for his kids. So it seems a small sacrifice for me to give up my friends who would shun me for having a change of opinion.

    And I'm sure your non JW family will welcome you back with open arms, happy that you got out of the cult. They'll understand. Talk to one of them and get their support thru this transition. But be careful with the wife. For her sake it might be best to take it slow.

  • Open mind
    Open mind

    Robert7 said re: 1914 doctrine:

    Just always sounded so reverse-engineered to make it sound like the WTS is the real deal.

    LOVE that turn of phrase. "Reverse-engineered". LMAO. May I use it?

    As for your overall situation, perhaps a visual aid would help.

    I feel your pain bro. No easy answers. Welcome to the matrix.

    Open Mind

    p.s. Actually, I did just think of an easy answer. If you end up being my brother-in-law that would be way cool! Unfortunately, a couple details don't quite match up. Oh well. I was hopin' there for a minute.

  • 5go

    Also there is such thing as being Agnostic. It means you don't believe or disbelieve. Would that help rather than saying Atheist?

    Agnostic tends to mean you don't think god is knowable, weak atheism is what I think you meant to say.

  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    Hi Robert7!

    I am an atheist, as are many others on this board. You are in good company.

    Unfortunately, you have admitted that you will continue to attend JW meetings in an attempt to "pass" as a Dub.

    Therefore it is requested that you meet with three of your local Atheist Elders for a conversation to aspiritually strengthen you...

    wait a minute, I had the wrong manual!



    There is no special salvation for agnostics.

    To me, agnosticism is sitting on the fence, and that is just a pain in the ass.

  • Robert7

    My "goal" is to go to Sunday meetings with the family and nothing else. Hopefully this will pacify the family and let me fade and not be bothered. As of right now, I would prefer that my family continue going to meetings as they wish only because there is still good spiritual information learned. I am not ready to work on them yet as this all is way too early. I have been feeling like this for years, but just recently (like a week ago) actually realized consciously that I don't want to go to meetings anymore. I need to detox a little...

    In terms of my feelings of God, I guess it makes sense that there is a God. The world and life seems to great to be an accident. But Religion and God are two WAY different things. So I believe that there may be a God, and at least as of now that's where I'll leave it.

  • darkuncle29

    You're on a rough path, I wish you the best.

    I would recomend that you maybe don't rigidly choose any label for yourself, that what ever label you go with for the time being, know that it is just a label, and useful only as a reference to organise your thoughts around. Also, the label itself is not that important, but what you are grouping under that label is what truly matters.

    My beliefs do not fit neatly into any single category, I like the flexibility.

    Have you read any cult recovery information, either online or in print? I think you might benefit from having a live person to talk with, but with counselors and therapists, its sometimes difficult to find a good one that can relate to the JW or even just cult stuff. If you do go back in just for your family's sake, you will need external support to keep strong, centered, focused.

    Keep in contact with the board, there are some great people here.

  • worldtraveller

    If you are or were searching for the answers, you will seldom find it in a building. You need to look MUCH closer. How about a mirror? You have been duped-now is the time to get over it-just try to find your comfort zone. Don't be discouraged. My big issue of the WTS is as always, the shunning nonsense. A religion that supports this kind of activity, and also warns that God is a vengeful person and sentence you to total destruction, is actually clueless.

    Only you know what to do-just get the courage to do it. If there is a God, I believe He is a compassionate and loving entity where everyone is forgiven and welcomed home. If you are not satisfied right now-most here will tell you it's ok. Hopefully your wife will have the love and compassion to accept what is going on and support you.

    Good luck and welcome here!

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