Is all religion in some way abusive?

by nvrgnbk 42 Replies latest jw friends

  • nvrgnbk
    So, of course all religions are abusive in that they manipulate young minds

    I truly love you, Ian, and yes you are old enough to be my "spiritual atheist" father. LOL!

    it's not exclusive to religion

    I understand that well.

  • sweetstuff

    Hmm, abusive? Not sure, do they all have the potential to be abusive? YES. Undoubtly. Spirituality is not abusive, as it is personal and something felt rather than practiced, IMO. But religion gets messy and be can abusive by dictating whether or not your spirituality is approved or your behavior approved.

    I think that belief in a God or Gods, without the addition of religious doctrine and practice would be much more beneficial to humanity than the power ridden dictatorships currently guiding the lives of so many good people who claim to be following a religion. When you are ruled with fear, you lose love, period. You cannot love something you are terrified of disappointing for fear of the reprecussions. You can fear it, you can worship it, you can do acts to appease it, but you cannot truly love it. IMO Love is freedom from fear. Religion is the den of fear itself.

  • flipper

    I really do believe that religion has caused more than it's share of problems. In the news this last week, murders occured in Canada as well as Denver, Colorado based in part , because of too much control by religions in these people's lives. It caused abuse to occur to freedoms, basic human rights in both instances. Loss of freedom to choose and free will is never good or positive

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