The Mighty Led Zeppelin Soars Again !!

by flipper 44 Replies latest jw friends

  • yadda yadda 2
    yadda yadda 2

    I love every song on Led Zep 1, Led Zep 2, Led Zep 4, and Coda, their last album. All the other albums are rather overrated IMHO.

    My favourite Zep song of all time is "All of my Love" ("In Through the Out Door"). Nearly as good as "Stairway to Heaven."

  • Alpaca

    Hey Flipper -- how's it going buddy?

    I love Stairway to Heaven, but the song that really grabs me is "When the Levee Breaks." I don't even think they wrote it, but man what a raw song. The other songs that really grab me are "Heartbreaker" and "Hey, hey, What Can I Do?"

    If you get a chance to listen to it, Terry Gross did an interview with Plant a few years ago and I know that it is archived on NPR's website. You will find it interesting.



  • Quirky1

    Flip - The name says it all. They are a legend.


    Ya got good taste there Mr. Flipper. I always said I'd go back to the KH the day they put "Stairway to Heaven" in the Kingdom Melodies songbook.

    Hey you don't think that song is about the Slobbering Body do you? I mean, aren't They and the other "annointed" part of that stairway? And what about "Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds" that about Lucifer in his pre-kicked-out-f-heaven life? Or is about Lucille Ball? These questions and more...enquiring minds want to know.


    PS. As someone else mentioned about Jimmy Page...hard to picture him with Herman's Hermits. Kinda like Liberace playing keyboard for Hank Jr.

  • flipper

    JIMMY PAGE- Wow! Gotta give it up to Jimmy Page for resurrecting this December thread ! Thanks ! Jimmy- if you are this good bringing back a thread from the archives on JWD - dude you better hold true to your promise and bring me a CD with new songs and material on it before the end of 2008 ! I'm counting on you and Robert Plant to man up and get the job done here ! LOL! By the way - I loved reading " Hammer of the Gods" it was great ! Peace.

    HEATHEN- I think Zeppelin just didn't get back together for so long because- how do you replace the greatest drummer who ever lived ? When Bonzo died- I think part of each of the guys died - they were a tight unit. But now that they have his son on drums - I really believe they will cut a new album before the end of the year ! It's almost like Bonham's bloood is flowing again through his son ! It's great - if not a little eerie !

    DOOFDADDY- I've seen Robert Plant in interviews and he's a very engaging, funny, talkative , but laid back guy ! Pretty cool.

    YADDA YADDA 2- I think all their albums were great ! " All of my Love" was a great song. But " Stairway" was epic !

    ALPACA- Hey guy! I'll have to listen to the Terry Gross interview of Robert Plant. I heard him on the radio in an interview with Jim Rome , believe it or not ! It was epic ! Good song picks !

    QUIRKY- Zeppelin truly is a legend.

    BONEZZ- Thanks. I've told my wife and adult son - When I die I want the song, " Stairway to Heaven " played at my funeral ! The song epitomizes my view of life - and it would be the coolest send off ever ! Peace out, Mr. Flipper

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