where can one find faith?

by conflicted 12 Replies latest jw friends

  • tdogg

    Faith? You have faith every day my friend. You have faith that when you drive through a green traffic light no one will drive through the red light and smash you. You have faith that when you turn on the faucet and drink the water that it will not kill you. You have faith that the sun will rise in the morning and set at night.

    If you are speaking of faith in God then that is another story.We have been left in the dark. The Bible as a whole does not make sense. The argument that it is not supposed to make sense is ridiculous.You are correct in your reasoning, if only followers of Christ can understand the Bible we are really presented with a catch 22.

    Who does the Bible provide as examples of faith? Moses? Paul? David?They had a burning bush, vision near Damascus, Prophets, miricles. Jesus? He KNEW he was the son of God. The big voice from the sky told him. They didn't have faith, they had PROOF. At least according to the book. What do we get? Second hand, thousand years old stories.

    I dont know where we can find religious faith. We can only discover where we CAN'T find faith and then begin to eliminate possibilities.

  • Yerusalyim


    I believe sincerely that when I go through a green traffic light that no one will hit me, I don't have faith in that though, I still glance out of the corner of my eye.

    Faith is different. Faith drove me to give my Father-in-law all the money I had, not expecting that he would be able to return this some day, but rather, that God would take care of my needs even in view of a ballon payment on a loan due in a few months. Knowing, that even if I didn't have the money, that God would take care of me inspite of the loan coming due. I never looked back or regretted it, even when a week before the ballon payment was due I had no money. Two days before it was due I received an unexpected check in the mail that just covered the amount due. But even had that not come, my faith told me that all would have been ok somehow.

    Miracles happen to us everyday, but faith is required in order to see it.

    "Vanity! It's my favorite sin!"
    [Al Pacino as Satan, in "DEVIL'S ADVOCATE"]

  • mommy

    Blind faith can justify anything.~Richard Dawkins

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