Tree of life identified as the female Cannabis plant

by Ronald 24 Replies latest jw friends

  • wanderlustguy

    puff puff give...

  • frankiespeakin

    Interesting video, "The Pharmacratic Inquisition"

    The book : "Astrotheology & Shamanism":

    The book focuses on the central role of entheogenic plants, especially mushrooms, and the symbolism associated with them, in enabling the shaman or priest to attain divine knowledge. Ideas put forward by John Marco Allegro about the origin of religion in "The Sacred Mushroom and the Cross" in 1970 – which met universal condemnation – are here largely vindicated. In the development of language from Sumerian times, Allegro found evidence of a

  • Bumble Bee
    Bumble Bee

    So I should have been eating the seeds from the plants I grew in the backyard????? Wow. I learn something new every day!


  • Scully

    talk about wishful thinking....

  • Leolaia
    There are good reasons to conclude that the Tree of knowledge of good and bad was the male Cannabis plant and the Tree of life the female Cannabis plant, the one which bears the seed. Thus if one lives on Cannabis seed and fruit one will be living on the food designed by God to enable humans to live indefinately.

    Gets a C- for composition. Student does not explain the "good reasons" for making the identifications and then tries to make another argument ("Thus...") using the previous unsupported statement as a basis. These should be thesis statements of their own paragraphs, which would contain further information supporting the statements. But the grammar is good and nice use of vocabulary.

  • chappy

    The opium poppy is the tree of knowlege...I know that for a fact.


  • Ronald

    Could it be because you are not expecting anyone to tap into immortality from a food that some of you find it hard to give any credulity to that proposition. After all imagine how hard it must have been for educated 16th century men to give credibility to the idea that the sun did not go round the earth as they could see with their own eyes that it did.

    Give this new idea a while to germinate. Cannabis seed replete with protein and essential fatty acids needs no refrigeration to preserve it. The seed can be stored for years at ambient temperature and so long as the shell is not damaged it will still be as fresh as the day of harvest. It needs no cooking. Have you ever considered the absurdity of the peculiarly human practice of cooking food!

  • Twitch
    Have you ever considered the absurdity of the peculiarly human practice of cooking food!

    Not since I first arrived on this planet, many solar cycles ago.

  • Mincan

    Jesus, sounds like a raw foodist/fruitarian/raw vegan...

    Yes, the absurdity... the absurdity...

  • Satanus

    Since ancient times, people have used all kinds of herbs. This applies to all cultures, from hunter gatherer societies, to the eons old chinese culture. In fact,one of the oldest books on herbalism was written by the yellow emperor at about 200 bc. If people could live forever by eating mj seeds, don't you think that people would have/be doing it?


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