I think was was taken today

by Elsewhere 22 Replies latest jw friends

  • UU Now
    UU Now

    Personally, I'd rather risk being taken occasionally than risk not giving to someone who needs it when I can afford it.

  • Vivamus

    That was a sweet thing to do. Karma will give it back to ya

  • Xena

    I need a car. Can I have your mini Elsewhere?

    (never hurts to try)

  • JH

    I can't get over how cold it gets in Texas.....

  • chickpea

    i know it becomes more involved, but in the past when an apparently homeless guy stopped my hub, me and our two kids at the time when we were coming out of a store andasked for money for food, i told my husband not to give him money and sent the hub into the local sandwich shoppe, where he bought him a footlong specialty meal and gave that to him......

    ok bear with this, because at the time we thought we were in the truth, ok? after we drove away, hub and i, as newly converted, and OH so zealous, parked, went thru the inevitable bookbag stored in the trunk and selected literature to go back and offer the guy.......( i know, i know!)

    when we found him again.... and HERE is the true action of godly behaviour here..... this guy was sharing his food with 3 other guys

    we did place literature ( i know! i KNOW!) .... and when this homeless guy asked if he could hug me..... well, it had a huge impact that to this day reminds me how fragile we all are

    was there a point?

    oh yeah..... if you truly want to be sure that someone WILL get the help they are requesting..... like for that woman..... get her name and that of the shelter in question and make a direct donation to the facility..... cos if it turns out SHE was scamming, then some other person might benefit from your generosity

  • kwintestal

    The crack she'll buy with it will make her nice and toasty, don't you worry none!


  • anewme

    Man, I've spent $10 on cat food and bird seed!

    I think you did the right thing Elsewhere.

    She was a poor unfortunate woman!

    And you definitely were her savior that night!

    I would feel glad about your generosity if I were you!

    Better to err on the loving side, because we cant read minds or hearts.


  • Finally-Free

    Elsewhere, please give me your Vista computer. I'm doing you a favour by taking it off your hands.

    As a rule I don't give money to anyone. In Toronto it's not unusual to have 4 or 5 panhandlers accost me in a single block. If I gave money to every person who asked for some I'd soon be in the street myself.

    Every once in a while I'll give a few bucks to someone who makes a real effort at telling me a convincing story. Even if they're scamming me, at least they've put some effort into it.


  • mentalclearness

    I don't know how it works in the U.S. but where I live children are rented by adults to ask for money. So I've become probably a bit more harsh about giving money outright to a beggar. Plus they are EVERYWHERE....I mean you give to one, and on the next corner there is another with another heartwrenching story. I think some good advice is to do what one poster said. Give food, contact the shelter..Cover your bases. Don't just give money. I can't tell you the amount of times I've been asked for money by people who reek of booz....I think you did a good thing but maybe so that their is no doubt in your mind, make shelter arrangements yourself for someone in need.

  • hillary_step


    Could you have not stretched to the $12.00 she needed? ;)


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