HAPPINESS & the chasing of it

by LouBelle 4 Replies latest jw friends

  • LouBelle

    We all want to be happy. We all want that feeling so desperately that we spend our whole lives pursuing it. Yet how many of us can say we are truly happy? First up, if you have to pursue it know this 1. You are obviously NOT happy 2. You are never going to find and catch happiness. Why not? Simple. Happiness cannot be caught, you'll be running after it forever, never closing the gap between it and you. So now what? Give up and roll over in defeat and dispare. Hardly! You have got to pull yourself towards yourself and realise you have the amazing power to make yourself happy, and it lies within you... Yup, happiness is within not without. All the outside stuff is fake happiness, cos its the inners that is most important. Happiness on the inside goes by another name - JOY. Joy is when even though life has thrown you a curve ball, you can still smile on the inside, knowing that nothing in this world can steal that away from you. It fills you up with a warm, yellowy, golden, throbbing knowledge that you are alright and that you can face that curve ball. Give in, look within, find your joy and live a life of true happiness.

  • Dansk
    look within, find your joy and live a life of true happiness.

    Yep, that's my way of doing things!


  • Tyrone van leyen
    Tyrone van leyen

    Yes I agree its all inside. You might even liken it to a chemical reaction on a biologiocal level. I have looked at different people who smile. Some are fake, some folks have a simple way of being happy. Some draw comfort from what they beleive regardless of evidence otherwise.

    I would like to be able to have a consistantly happpy dispositon. When you encounter other peoples energy it is easy for them to make that smile come off your face. I think smiling all the time is ridiculous too however. Everything seems to be based on having a positive attitude and balance. Filling your head with positive thoughts is good so long as those thoughts are grounded in reality. The problem is reality sucks so people create there own.

    I don't want a fools smile, and I can't go around all day telling myself jokes, but I hope to eventually get enough of a grip to find more reasons for smiling. Good ones, like inner peace, Good health, good outlook, etc. I tell you if you get sick you can still have a good outlook, I've met some that were positve to the end but I would think that it would be a lot harder. Some folks that age seem to aquire the grace of not complaining much and getting a softer touch to life. Others are miserable spinsters. I think if you don't want to end up the latter, you have to work on it when you are younger. Just my thoughts.

  • poppers

    Good post. Unfortunately, not many people will come to this realization and they will continue their chase. "You" (what you really are) are what you are looking for; discover this and you will find happiness.

  • shell69

    Isn't that why we're all here?

    We chased HAPPINESS, and discovered freedom

    For the first time in a LONG time, I like who I am.

    I'm free, true to myslef, and true to any family that have stuck along long enough to see(fun loving) ME!!!!!


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