Donations for literature I would spend at Mc Donald's!!! Sorry!!!

by Witness 007 17 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Leolaia

    Consider it meager wages for your labor.

  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite

    I'm still 'in' and wondering how to pose this question to the Circuit Overseer when he comes. Let's call him "Brother Head". First name "Dick".

    "Brother Dick Head, since the donation arrangement started, we've been telling the householders that 'we accept donations toward our Bible education work'. In light of new information, should be be telling the householders that 'we accept donations toward the Bible education and pedophile hush-hush fund?'"

  • WTWizard

    I agree that a Big Mac is a better use of a donation than putting it in the Worldwide Pedophile Defense Fund. No matter how much poison they use in those things, it is better than having people silencing pedophile victims that were victimized by coercion in the first place.

  • skyking

    I am sorry there is noway I could of done that. Flat wrong.

    With that said good for you. I am styping with a huge smile on my face.

  • buffalosrfree

    Local economic needs, world wide work, building donations, it all adds up and the society wants more and more of your money, they want us to donate for the literature we get and peddle out in the door to door salesmanship game, and yet bitch if there isn't enough money "donated" to the WWW., what a bunch of scammers. Its all about the money, rutherford saw he could hoodwink the mindless take over thier congregations have the monies coming to him (err the society) and take full control over their property also. Its always been about the money and the hold on captive people who aren't smart enough to see that its a cult money making scam.

  • megsmomma

    My 9 year old (Living with JW dad) told me she is trying to raise $100.00 to put in the contribution box....Thanks jah for gift cards I can send to her instead of $$!!

  • 95stormfront

    I'm the only breadwinner in my household.

    A couple of weeks ago there ws an incident that prompted my wife to ask me about what would happen to our assets if either of us and\or our kid were all dead. I've determined what would happen if either or both of us were dead but had no answer if me and all my immediate family were dead.

    At that point she proclaims that in case that were to happen, that all our assets should be donated to the Soceity.

    The hell with that.

    Even with the death of us all, I wouldn't want the Soceity getting their hands on one red cent that belonged to me.

    It's barely even tolerable to me now that they are getting a small piece of the money I give her so she won't be walking around penniless.

  • My Struggle
    My Struggle

    Well...that money went to food that eventually became crap...and if given to WTBTS it would have had the same end result. No harm done.

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