ATHEISM - Better World When Christian Are Gone?

by writetoknow 40 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • writetoknow

    Your right then why do Atheist used the tacts stated in this artical? I know Christian use these tacts, but it my understanding Athiest are intellectual superior to Christain. They have evolved beyond the ignorance of sterotyping and such?

  • 5go
    Personally I think that Hitler's persecution of the Jews had less to do with his christianity and more to do with him being a rabid anti-semite

    Of course their are some that think Hitler was politician appealing to the masses that wanted the Jews gone. Lest it would of happened at all because of popular decent.

  • writetoknow

    OK thats cooooool all religion! So how does one group get read of another group without using the tacts in this artcial. And if they use these tacts are they better then the group they done away with?

    Do we destroy everything we don't like? Does that mean government should destroy all the other governments on earth until they have everyone under their goverment? And if their nobody that disagrees it must be a better world?

  • frankiespeakin

    Sorry the C&P was too long, can you state your point in a few paragraphs?

  • 5go
    Do we destroy everything we don't like? Does that mean government should destroy all the other governments on earth until they have everyone under their government? And if their nobody that disagrees it must be a better world?

    What you can't dismantle them peaceful through discussion, and debate like it has been so far this century.

    If your ideas hold water it's excepted if not they are discarded. If you think an an old tried idea that failed might work under different circumstances, you are free to try it out; but you will be ridiculed if it fails again.

  • writetoknow

    But that is not the approach and being an honest person as you are - I am sure you have read the approach on this forum. It is known throughout the world wide web. Just take time and go back and read the forum and see what approach they use to do away with religion.

    If those facts don't speak louder then any words I don't know what does? Moreover, if you live in this society of USA and watch TV you know the truth and the approach.

  • Caedes
    Personally I think that Hitler's persecution of the Jews had less to do with his christianity and more to do with him being a rabid anti-semite
    Of course their are some that think Hitler was politician appealing to the masses that wanted the Jews gone. Lest it would of happened at all because of popular decent.

    5go, He was certainly offering a 'quick fix' for Germany's problems that would appeal to the masses. I doubt Hitler would have objected to appealing to peoples prejudices, but his hatred of Jews was well known and documented so, no, I don't agree that he was just trying to gain popular support.

    I'm afraid I'm not sure what you mean in your second statement, did you mean dissent?

    Your right then why do Atheist used the tacts stated in this artical? I know Christian use these tacts, but it my understanding Athiest are intellectual superior to Christain. They have evolved beyond the ignorance of sterotyping and such? (sic)

    Atheists are not intellectually superior to theists, there is some evidence to suggest that the higher your IQ the more likely you are to be atheist. That does not mean that atheists are intellectually superior and I have seen no evidence that atheists are beyond stereotyping. Why do they do it? because they are human and get frustrated just like theists, most likely.

    I'm afraid I'm at a loss as to what tacts are or what evidence you have that atheists are trying to rid the world of theists. If you have any evidence I would be very interested.

  • 5go

    I know the approach heck I have used the stereotypes dumb and backwards.

    The problem is in a debate it normally holds up though I give credit to some on that side especial a nun that convinced that capitol punishment is wrong. It also shows up on the street like in Europe that was the center of christianity is now the center of secularism. Also Europe now leads the world in technological progress. While the US who is trying to hold on the teachings of the Christ is beginning to fall behind the western world in general; much less Europe.

  • Awakened07

    What does the holocaust have to do with this subject matter? Do atheists want Christians dead? That's news to me.

  • 5go
    I doubt Hitler would have objected to appealing to peoples prejudices, but his hatred of Jews was well known and documented so, no, I don't agree that he was just trying to gain popular support.

    I'm afraid I'm not sure what you mean in your second statement, did you mean dissent?

    I don't doubt Hitlers' anti semitism but he was a politician and knew what he could get away with if there wasn't rampant anti semitism present in Europe already he would of stuck to interning mainly communist and political rivals. The argument he was using for interning Jews isn't much different than the argument that comes from certain people against illegal imagrants in the USA. Mainly the jews were attempting to thwart German sovereignty, and take jobs from true Germans.

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