"Loose Conduct" , what is the true definition?

by jefferywhat 20 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • jefferywhat

    hey monophonic,

    The current layers are as follows.

    Breasts, touching genitals=unclean
    "deliberate manipulation of the genitals"= pornea

    So even the jDub rub is pornea these days!! Through two pair of underpants and a two pairs of jeans!!!!

  • drew sagan
    drew sagan
    And in answer to your question, the reason it is such an issue is it seems quite unjust and draconian and completely opposed to the underlying theory of the christian judicial process.

    if there even is supposed to be a theory of Christian judicial process

    If you want to study this subject deeper I would suggest looking into the context of verses used to support the judicial comittee process. Leolaia has started a number of really good topics on the subject and i'm sure she'll be able to provide a link to them. One I can think of is this post:


  • bigwilly
  • Pistoff

    Loose conduct is the ever changing catch all category that elders can use to kick your sorry arse out of the promised land.

    It assumes you are properly conditioned to be afraid of your own biological impulses and obsessed with them at the same time.

    It is not too far removed from the Catholic view of sex and desire; it if feels good, it is most likely wrong.

    It also implies that elders, CO's and the peripatetic GB deserve your respect as authority figures; seeing how they have handled the blood issue, pedophiles, and (add your own favorite
    idiotic teaching here) they deserve NO RESPECT.

    Makes it hard to be properly disrespectful, when they themselves have committed more grievous sins than any of us here have dreamed of.

    The rape of children, silencing of parents and lying to the rank and file about it all makes you groping your sweetie a little tame, wouldn't you say?

  • LongHairGal

    The whole point of the use of the label "Loose Conduct" is simply to obscure the REAL reason that a person is either DF'd or DA'd.

    They would rather people believe the person is out because of some sexual sin. That way nobody will be curious because it will be embarrassing.

    What they do NOT want is for people knowing that the person left because something is wrong with the religion. We will never know how many people were disfellowshipped or walked away over the years because of the policies and teachings of the religion.

    This is what they fear and is therefore the reason for the deception.


  • Leolaia

    As everyone has observed, it is a misuse of the term to use it as a "catch-all category" when it has a rather clear meaning. Someone who engages in petting with his unmarried girlfriend in private and is sorry about it when caught is NOT guilty of aselgeia in the biblical sense. Not by a long shot. But consider this.... during the JW service meeting, a JW elder and his wife begin making out in their seats in front of everyone, then the brother unzips his pants and they start doing it right there -- right in the middle of the service meeting. Now, they are married, and there is nothing wrong with a husband and wife having sex, so the act itself is not "sexual immorality", but doing it in front of everyone in the kingdom hall is shocking and they do it without any shame -- in fact, the point of it is to shock everyone by acting so lewd in such a place. That is aselgeia.

  • JK666

    If you want to know exactly the definition of loose conduct by Jehovah's Witnesses, I will provide quotes from the "Pay Attention" book. This is a manual that is only available to JW elders, and not to the rest of the congregation.

    Page 93

    "Loose conduct is a shocking, flagrant disregard for Jehovah's moral standards. It may include the willful practice of heavy petting or fondling of breasts. The nature, circumstances, and actual extent of what has occurred may indicate loose conduct, which would require judicial action."

    Page 96:

    "Loose conduct. Term not restricted to sexual immorality."

    Page 100:

    "If a person who has been marked continues his wrongful course in brazen defiance of Christian standards, adamantly rejecting loving Scriptural counsel, judicial action may be taken if the situation becomes scandalous loose conduct."

    I hope that this is of help to you.


  • 5go

    Loose Conduct = Anything we aren't comfortable with you doing.

  • south african beef
    south african beef

    Haven't had time to read all of the posts here (sorry) but just to let you know that I was df'ed for the infamous 'loose conduct'.


  • Dagney
    If a person who has been marked continues his wrongful course in brazen defiance of Christian standards, adamantly rejecting loving Scriptural counsel, judicial action may be taken if the situation becomes scandalous loose conduct."

    Ahh...interesting. *sigh* I knew it was a catch all, but this explains how they rule anyway they want, without consistency.

    Thanks for posting that.

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