I have a serious and I need your help.....

by Faithful-n-Discreet Wife 36 Replies latest jw friends

  • R.Crusoe

    For a lot of guys God speak is the problem! Guys who learn how to treat a woman as an equal partner absent of written rules and she the same to him will end up finding whatever God gave them to find! IMHO

  • jgnat

    I'll let you in on a little secret on my relationship with my JW husband. I make sure he takes me as I am. I might be fierce about this because I was married to an abuser before, or perhaps us ladies in our forties are just much better at sticking up for ourselves.

    He's as conflicted as any JW, but his NATURAL personality is rebel spiced with clown. He LIKES me because I talk back. I am my best when I laugh off the ridiculous and I am fiercly myself. It's why he married me. If he has a fit of insecurity and tries to put on the Witness-version of husbandhood, I slingshot his stupidity back so fast he doesn't even have time to blink. After he recovers from the shock, he laughs. Because deep down, he wants the woman who will be herself.

    I think this is your best hope. That your husband, the natural part of himself, wants YOU. He might just not know that yet.

    Oh yes, and call your family right away and apologize for your stupidity. Don't cut yourself off any more.

  • R.Crusoe

    Hey jnat - thats one of the most intelligent points I've heard from a woman! Be yourself no matter what the religion tells you coz that's what you wake up to every day. If you both do that then what's not to like? Least you'll know exactly what your next moves should be. Never let religion harness your soul - only enhance things it already feels! Otherwise it's best left out coz it will have you pullin each other apart!


    jgnat gave you excellent advice. Please call your parents tomorrow. Talk with your mom. She loves you and is worried about you. As a parent, I assure you you only have to reach out to your family. They love you for who you are, not because you attend 5 meetings a week and make comments.

    Everyone deserves to be loved for who they are. No one deserves abuse. Any man who abuses his wife is not a real man.. You are young and this is a very painful situaion. Learn to love yourself and celebrate yourself. God loves you for the beautiful person you are and you do yourself a disservice to yourself by entertaining the thought of returning to a dangerous living enviornment. You deserve a husband who loves you, cherishes you and keeps you safe. You deserve a husband who makes you feel good about yourself.

  • poppers
    We are married and I feel God would be disappointed in me because I know his laws

    Do you, do you know his laws or are you talking about what it says in some book that purportedly is "god's word"? Don't mistake the writings in a book for the unfathomable mystery of what the word "god" points to.

  • Pioneer Spit...oh, i mean Spirit
    Pioneer Spit...oh, i mean Spirit

    Here's your solution, don't worry I've got it all covered:

    1) Get yourself a vibrator!!! Solo sex with guaranteed happy ending.

    2) Go work in the car business for while where you can be treated like crap and get paid for it. Abusive men abound.

    3) Sneak on over to North Korea (God bless them) and live in fear for your life, all the while mindlessly praising 'Dear Leader' for many blessings. Gotcher mind-numbing, thought controlling religious-like obsession right here darling'. . .

    I promise, you won't miss him!

  • Magick
    thats one of the most intelligent points I've heard from a woman! R. Crusoe alt

    alt magicK

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