Facebook surprise: looks like most of my childhood friends got out!

by Awakened07 14 Replies latest jw friends

  • sacrebleu


    I just wish I could peruse the names without joining.


  • dawg

    Awake007, young people are far ahead of us old fogies... had I known of all the bull the WTBTS had done before I was baptised, then I would'nt have never done it...that's becasue it's obvious that they're crap.. the evidence is overwhelming. You guys will be the ones that destroy this religion, I'm certain of it.. Ithink even my parents generation wouldn't have fallen for this crap had they known.

  • stapler99

    I think many of the young people who are still in the congregation are just there for convenience, I can think of some ones who socialize outside the congregation, and who only do a token amount of field service. I think it would be quite possible that someone who hasn't left would be on Facebook and even friends with a disfellowshipped person, although its quite likely that they've left too, just because many do leave (I think people reckon about 50% of youngsters do leave for good.)

  • diamondblue1974

    Yeah Im on facebook too.

    Check out Gary David Armstrong in the Manchester Network.

    If your a local elder snooping around - f*ck off and mind your own business.



  • jgnat

    Wow. No WONDER the society warned it's members away from Facebook by name. That, and google.

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