To all of you who continue to "cover your tracks" and are still in ((HUGS))

by Lady Liberty 20 Replies latest jw friends

  • tooktheredpill

    Lady Liberty: Thanks a lot for your caring thoughts. I'm still inside the Borg because of my family, wife and friends. And as "Billy the ex-bethelite" said, I'm trying to liberate some minds while I'm in. Basically, when I go preaching I only give tracts and magazines, NOT asking for donations. I'm giving no bible studies now. And playing the game...

    Thanks a lot for thinking about us. Keep us in your prayers!

    Have a great day!!

  • stillajwexelder


  • Pioneer Spit...oh, i mean Spirit
    Pioneer Spit...oh, i mean Spirit

    What a great thread LL. Yes, hugs and kudos to those who have to maintain, or feel that they do.

    It's strange, I've read many stories of those who've lost their families (and posted my own of same) and given and received support. But I never considered the fact that those who are still IN must read those and feel compelled to stay in to avoid this. You know exactly what will happen if you bare it all.

    Bless us all who have been harmed by this blackmail. The proven fact: JWs destroy families.

  • wannaexit

    Lady Liberty! you are very kind. I needed your words.

  • wannaexit
    I do wonder if in the majority of cases, its fear holding people in, more than anything else.

    No Sweetstuff, I can assure that it is not fear that keeps some of us in. It's our families. Our love for our mates and parents is what keeps us in. Its knowing how devasted our loved ones would be if we up and left.

    I would love nothing more than to close the watchtower chapter of my life. But at present i am content to be mentally free. It is a willing sacrifice I've chosen because I love my family and don't want to see them devasted. And devasted they would be.

    But I do look forward to the day I will be totally free.

  • What-A-Coincidence

    I am with DAWG on this one.

    10 years, 30 years from now ... will your life be better by staying in or by burning your ships and starting a life that you want? I was fortunate that I only had my mom and dad in, I got them out. If not, I would have said, "have a good life, contact me when you wish, here is my number"

    To all those who think you can' can. Put emotion aside and empower yourself. Stick it to the Borg!

    Yes, it's a great idea to start a foundation before you bounce, make friends with ones who share your new beliefs. If you can get at least ONE fam. to think that is in the Borg, than great. That does help.

    I was covering my tracks for a big while. Than I said, f this. Time to be proactive. Anyway, I wish the best to those who are in this predicament.

  • No Apologies
    No Apologies

    Sorry, I am not going to applaud people who are living a lie. There is nothing brave or noble about what they are doing. And to somehow attempt to justify it by claiming that they are able to pass on 'inside information" is a joke.

    I understand that its a very difficult position to be in, its very hard to contemplate losing friends and family. But some of us have already made that choice, or had it made for us, and we've survived. Again, how in the world can you say you are helping your family members by helping them remain trapped in the Borg?

    No Apologies

  • wannaexit
    But some of us have already made that choice, or had it made for us, and we've survived.

    Good for you!! Now allow the rest of us to do things our own way.

    To all those that are quick to judge our decisions to stay a little longer, all I can say is you haven't walked in my shoes. So keep your judgemental comments to yourself.

  • Crisis of Conscience
    Crisis of Conscience

    Good read. Let's bring it back.

  • MrFreeze

    I love my family who is in it too much to just desert them. Knowing that I couldn't talk to them whenever I wanted would be very terrible. It might be a more taxing situation than actually staying in.

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