Help me... please...

by mindfield 28 Replies latest jw friends

  • mindfield

    It's funny how 2 hours can make you question the doubts you've had for months. Just got home from the hall after speaking with an elder... had a friendly chat about my doubts... finally culminating in my admitting that I didn't believe the discreet slave really existed, and that all my JW beliefs were non-existent. 2 hours. Maybe if i was older (i'm 17) and more eloquent, or better yet, more prepared, I could have had the upper hand. Who am I kidding.

    I'm tittering on the brink of despair... sad... I thought I had all these proofs... he simply threw them out. Made me doubt my own doubts.
    Ex.: Who is the only org. who preaches worldwide, and who most earthlings know about? (I told him it wasn't the preaching that was important, it was the content, but it failed..)

    One that caught me offguard at first was that he said that apostates seek only to destroy, not to build. I know, I know, you guys also offer different hopes, alternatives to JW, therefore you build. And after seeing all your messages, your jokes, your comments on other non-related issues, I see he's mistaken on your account. You're fun guys (and gals) to write to, and (sniff, sniff) i LOVE YOU!!! okay, okay. Maybe not. But i truly, truly appreciate you all.

    I'll have to work on my "proofs", perhaps. Or maybe not. Maybe just the fact that the elder was 1.A longtime friend 2.Convinced he was right and 3.An elder, duh... threw me off. Talking to a total stranger JW would've been easier, I think. I hope.

    Could someone just post some links, some info., about facts proving that JW aren't God's org. (I know, all this freaking board is about proving that) and that apostates don't just destroy the org, they also build a new hope.

    And what are your views on religion now? Do you still pray? Read the bible? Do you believe in the Apocalypse, in good and evil?

    Again, I appreciate your mere existence, and thank you all!!!

  • Tina

    (((((((fed up)))))))))))))
    Hang in there honey!
    have you looked at freeminds? or The watchtower Observer sites?
    They both have excellent material on them.
    Choose one and check it out tonight if you can.Scan all the topics and you'll find even more links.Freeminds has a bunch of em! luv,Tina

    Jehovahs Witnesses,Proudly Serving Their Corporate Masters!

  • WildHorses

    Fed up,

    I have been where you are now. When I first started learning the truth about the truth. I had doubts. I would think.......what if I am wrong and the jws really are right. Believe it or not, one of the videos I bought from Randys' site helped me out. It was a tape of a judicial committee meeting with Gloria Muscarella. She was trying to reason with the elders about things she found in the Bible stating that Jesus should also be worshipped. They wouldn't even look in their own Bible to try to show her different. She did manage to show them old watchtower issues and they kept explaining things away. I couldn't believe what I was seeing.

    Hon, why not try reading your Bible without using the publications for awhile. Also order that tape from Randy. If you can not afford it and if you trust me enough to do so. I will mail you my copy. I also have the tape Witnesses of Jehovah. Not sure that is the correct name as I lent it to one of my friends. If you want them they are yours, free for the asking.


    "I don't want someone in my life I can live with, I want someone in my life I can't live without."

  • mindfield

    Thank you both!!! As i previously mentioned, you gals (and guys) rock!

    Lilacs, thanks for the tip. I have thought about reading the Bible.. haven't done that for awhile! How about praying as well... and don't worry lilacs, i trust you plenty!!! I'll check on the tape... but i wouldn't want my parents to know about it though... um, well, I'll contact you anyway! That tape looks quite interesting! Thanx!!!

  • Rex B13
    Rex B13

    Hi FedUp,
    Watchtower elders are often specifically trained to defend the WTS theology. You are at a disadvantage in not knowing scripture well enough to refute his assertions. Even if you were successful in debating him he would soon throw up the 'denial defenses'. Did he change subjects quuckly, almost without you realizing it? That is another dodge they are trained on. Even when you are well versed in scripture you must pin them down to one verse, one topic, carefully drawing out the context of the passage by reading the whole of related scripture. I'd advise you to get a NIV or NKJ study Bible at some Christian bookstore, or even Waldens, any other book chain store.
    Pursuing this is foolhardy if your family are JWs and you have to depend on them for living arrangements.
    Be careful, be cautious, bide your time.
    There is no single organisation that has the 'whole truth', in fact, God has never depended on any church to relate his word. That's why we have Christ and the Holy Spirit for we are 'taught by God'.
    Feel free to e-mail me at any time. Here are some sites to check out:

    Just for starters, check these out. I am sure that you will get lots of responses to your post. May God guide your steps,

  • mindfield

    Rex, thanks for the tip! You're right... he did change subjects quite often. Naturally, even. I would appreciate you even more if not for the previous posts you made about how dumb the other posters were...
    well, thanks for the kind words anyway!!!

  • Lionel_P_Hartley

    fed up,

    Imagine you were about to board a plane and the people at the gate stated "there's a bomb on the plane, so the flight is cancelled." Would you rush up to the desk and say, "Hey, there are no other flights to LA today. Where else can I go? I insist that I be allowed to board and that the plane set off, bomb or no bomb."

    Who says that answers exist? In any event, lies are not answers. But, fed up, take it steady - can you go to college? If so, do that. Time is on your side not the WTS's - if necessary just nod when appropriate an do your own thing.

    Good luck, man.


    ps: you need a link to Osarsif's site, but i don't have it to hand. If no one supplies it, I'd suggest you post a new topic asking for the link. As in "Help - Need link to Osarsif's Site."

  • WildHorses

    My e-mail is open to you. If you are afraid of your parents finding out. I suggest you use a non jw friends address.


    "I don't want someone in my life I can live with, I want someone in my life I can't live without."

  • gotcha

    hey fed up im in this same situation right now.. haven't talked with the elders but talked with a quite open minded 'sis' who my mom invited to talk with me...i didnt present evidence whatsoever i just asked questions and of course told her about the un thing...i really dont know if they will listen enough to you but what i can tell you is nothing's enough if they really believe in that..i dont care about what they think i only care about what my mom thinks and after hours of arguing with her....i have found out that the problem is where else to go if not here...where to worship.....
    the funny thing here is after talking with 'jw' i tried telling myself not to have a bias against the jw because of the stuff i read...but it is hard to be objective when faced with facts about the now im trying to read the bible too
    i'm going through a crisis too..i can't even pray i mean..who do i pray to now? is it Jah, is it Jesus? i mean if i pray to Jah means that this org teaches right (coz i think it's one of the few which teaches to use that name)so meaning what i'm doing now is wrong so there CONFUSION.
    well i hope it helps that someone is pretty much in the same situation as you're not alone

  • Tina

    Hi again fedup,
    Lionel brings up such a great point!
    College!! That is one of the most liberating,worldview expanding aim you can do for yourself. I can't tell you how much that helped me the the bigger and clearer picture of the world and people around us.
    I consider it one of the greatest recovery weapons in any exJW's arsenal!! Something to think about.luv,tina

    Jehovahs Witnesses,Proudly Serving Their Corporate Masters!

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