JW's kids must NOT attend nursery school

by aligot ripounsous 22 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • aligot ripounsous
    aligot ripounsous

    I thought that after some 30 years as a JW the WTS's teaching is so familiar that I can hardly find anything new in assembly talks, which may be the reason why, as many attendants do, I gently noze down and opening an eye from time to time is enough to catch up the drift of an all too well known talk. Still, I've been genuinely surprised last sunday by a point a bethel visitor rose in one of the p.m talks, namely that JWs are not advised to send their kids to school until an age when he (she) can take a personal stand re. Xmas, birthdays, etc. He mentioned age 6, which is when school becomes compulsory in France.

    I couldn't believe that they now advise against sending our kids to nursery school, which over here starts from age 2. Was it a new point or was it that I hadn't paid attention previously, or that I just hadn't wanted to dwell on so ludicrous a recommendation.

    Anyway, I bet nobody will care much about this WT recommendation and JW's kids will keep on flocking into nursery schools as they always did. As if advising against upper education wasn't enough.

    What was the reason the speaker gave for this WT stand ? nowadays chidren are tomorrow's congregations (which really means that the WTS is not too sure about new input through preaching work), so children should rather be enlisted in the theocratic school at age 4 ! Are they so worried about the future of the organization that they have to draft infants for the sacred service ?

  • changeling

    So now they are attacking education at both ends, pre-school and college. Can you smell the fear?


  • SirNose586

    ...because we all know, brothers, that naptime and cookies are the work of Satan.

  • monophonic

    just another tactic to create under-socialized adults. that's really pathetic.

  • restrangled

    Better to have them in field service and meetings. So there little minds and bodies can be beaten and molded into slavery to the WBTS all the sooner.


  • Tristram

    Many children are in nursery school, preschool, daycare, etc. before the compulsory age because both parents are working to provide for the household. It is not always what the parents want to do, but may be necessary due to circumstances (like, let's say, neither parent having a college education and needing two incomes to make ends meet...) Interestingly, from what I've observed, daycare is especially looked down upon as a moral failing in JW land.

  • Frequent_Fader_Miles

    I wonder if this speaker himself is a father. Pre-school plays a very important role in child development. Sending a child to school for the first time at age 6 can be quite traumatic for both child and parent.

    What about the importance of developing social skills? Ooops ... my bad ... taking a stand in order to stick out like a sore thumb is more important to one's 'eternal life'.

  • RisingEagle

    Along the lines of restrangled's post I'm going to share an experience I had in my mispent youth.

    Winter 1985. My sister's congo in BFE southeastern Oklahoma (three elders, hall is so small there are no audience mikes) sends for help in reaching the boonies. A pioneer sister in New York agrees to move there so we load up in a van, attach a UHaul trailer and like Jed moving to Beverly, off the Okies go to fetch her. Several families in NY agree to put a few of us up for a couple of days while we make a mad tour of Bethel, NYC and Jersey (Stanley) and pack the sister's belongings into the UHaul. I end up staying with a wonderfully nice elder's family of about 60 people (exaggerate much? Couple of generations) in a nice brownstone in Brooklyn.

    The night before we were to pack the sisters stuff, the family I stayed with all gathered in the living room and we started talking about the differences in being a jw in OK and NY. The whole family pretty much makes the point that in NY, in 1985, that if a child had not made a decision to be a jw by age 7, they were pretty much lost to the troof. And to further drive the point the kids (ranging from grade school to high school grads that pioneered) each told me the age they were baptized. At 15 I was unbaptized and they were almost in shock.

    Looking back, I think several factors were involved in that situation. The proximity to Bethel (I recall that Bethelites were attending the congo in some format), the fact my host was an elder and a need to impress the hick from Ok. But if the thinking really was along those lines in '85 how much moreso it would be by a Bethelite now.

  • WTWizard

    This totally cuts children off from ever learning that there is a world beyond the Kingdumb Hell. They are supposed to be going out in field circus from the time they are old enough to walk. They are to be carried in field circus from birth, and continue developing in the misery until they die. This deprives them the chance to play.

    What they don't say is that most Witless families have both parents working. While that is common in the world these days, worldly people are allowed to take their children to nurseries. Now, the Witlesses are not. And there is no way for the children to be out in field circus when both parents have to work their window washing and toilet scrubbing jobs.

    Not to mention having the children working in dangerous conditions. They can get kidnapped. Dogs don't give a damn whether the Witless is some 2-year-old doing something they aren't supposed to in order to woo the householder into joining the cult. Then there is street crime: some areas are full of gang wars, and the child could be struck and killed by a stray bullet. Traffic accidents where the child gets hit with a car trying to cross a street and get their time started are too common (I guess the parents are supposed to keep working as if nothing happened if this happens). And, we mustn't forget that there is a good chance that the partner working with the child is a pedophile!

    I guess they are taking their resolution to ban entertainment seriously after all. Instead of banning it in one fell swoop as I originally thought they would, they are dissecting it and implementing it one phase at a time. This time, it's nursery school along with the entertainment of learning to celebrate holidays, sing worldly songs, and play as children are supposed to. And for what? To create people that do nothing but screech around from door to door trying to recruit others who are wise to the pedophile scandals in the cult. ( www.jehovahs-witness.com/10/115757/1.ashx ). For sure, they are getting this off to a solid start by banning day care among children because the children might have something that resembles fun in lieu of going door to door at age 1 or 2.

    What's next, having children getting baptized at ages under 6? Having parents disfellowshipped if they have children reach the age of 6 and are not baptized? Having children becoming unbaptized publishers at birth and getting baptized at age 2? I hope this causes parents to realize that it's not working and they up and leave the whole organization. Note that Jesus did not get baptized until age 30! If anyone could have been baptized at age 6, for sure Jesus would have.

  • purplesofa

    Totally learning NO SOCIAL SKILLS either


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