My wife FINALLY quits Witnessing and Meetings admits I was right!!!

by Witness 007 26 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • sweetstuff

    Congrats Witness007! I'd suggest to keep you both busy and meeting new people, maybe enroll in something you both enjoy or do an activity seperately to get to know new people. Dance classes or something like that? ( I can already hear all the men screaming "no", hehe)

  • ldrnomo

    know what you mean about the statement, "we miss you" everytime my wife and I go to a Sunday meeting, about every month and a half we get the same thing. So I always say, well you visit people all the time, stop by and visit us. They won't though because they can't count the time. By the way with both of you out, it takes about 5 days to start finding new friends. Start with your neighbors that we usually didn't have the time to get to know.

  • Alwayshere

    Witness007, Glad you and your wife are out. I was there 33 years and quit going about 4 years ago. had reg. pioneered some of it. And like so many of you, none of my so called friends have even called. My Daughter [sill a JW] tells me once in awhile "so and so said to tell you "Hi". They haven't DF me yet so I always tell her, "tell them they can call if they want since I'm not DF." But of course none does. Most know me well enough to know I never left with out good reason. I have a Son and Daughter-in-law and their little girl out. It's hard knowing I got my kids in that cult and can't get them all out but have to hope they will soon get tired of it.

  • justhuman

    lucky guy...My wife turned to the elders for apostasy and I was disfellowshiped because I "stick to my ides".Now we are sepparated

    Find new friends , make a new life, indeed there is a whole new world waiting for you out there

  • jgnat

    Yeah, like many of us with Witness partners, I wish I had your problem! Congratulations on patiently letting your wife find her own way out. I collect success stories like yours to encourage the rest of us.

    I echo what others have said, it's time to find some new friends.

  • JK666

    Your feelings about voting I understand. I felt like I was doing something very wrong when I registered to vote for the first time last summer. Then in November was the first election that I tried to vote in. Funny thing is, that I couldn't vote because the elections were for local city officials, and I live just outside the city limits! Oh that world, you try to sin, but they don't let you!

    I would suggest getting involved in your community, or developing a hobby with your wife. New friends will naturally come along, and most that I have found are more sincere and nicer than the average Dub.

    Good Luck!


  • tula
    My wife FINALLY quits Witnessing and Meetings admits I was right!!!

    Oh nooooo! Just when armagedon is soooooo close!

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