JW's come to visit.

by lisavegas420 13 Replies latest jw friends

  • lisavegas420

    Not me, but I work in an office that has two apartments above the office. The van pulls up, I look up right into the drivers face and knew I didn't reconize her, or the two women in dresses that got out. They walked past my door, up the stairs, next to my door. When you get to the top of these enclosed stairs, there are two doors, one on the right, one on the left, these women were up there for aprox 3-5 minutes then came back down. This time I noticed one of them had her NWT bible and a Watchtower in her arm.

    That's not the funny part. There are large For Rent signs in the windows. No curtains upstairs, anyone would instantly be able to tell that both apartments are vacant, from the road you can tell, from the parking lot you can tell. No they were not looking to rent, or they would have came inside and ask to be shown these apartments and I would have been happy to do so. (no JW's know I live or work here.)

    Thats another thing, they are parked outside of my open window, not only that but the front door is wide open. I see them, they see me. Yet after they go upstairs and stare at two closed doors, padlocked doors, they then walked right past my door and window again, and get back in the van sit there for aprox, another minute , and then drive away.

    Maybe they had a return visit there you say? These apartments have been empty for at least 6 months. If they really did have a return visit upstairs, why not use that oppurtunity to come in and ask me where or when they moved? Why not use this oppurtunity to offer the mags to me?


  • momzcrazy

    Maybe they were wanting to count time without actually doing something. Did they know who you were?

    Another strange thing in the world of strange people...


  • Honesty

    Would you offer that blasphemous propaganda to an innocent person?

    Neither would I and it appears that they wouldn't either.

    They are doing what thousands of other JW's are doing... passing time while they wait for their demon god to annihilate all of us who have rejected his organization.

  • ex-nj-jw

    Maybe Jehoober's holy spirit directed them away from you Nah, they were just wasting time as usuall.


  • Room 215
    Room 215

    Just another example of what an empty charade their ``life-saving work" is; field service is nothing more than a ``feel-good" palliative which assuages the JWs guilt brought on by the endless drumbeat of ``do more" sounded at their meetings.

  • R.F.

    It sounds like they were trying to pad their field service time.

    The thing that gets me is how much they cry about this being a life-saving work yet time-wasting is very prevalent everywhere.

    Just maybe.....they didn't view you as worthy enough to be saved by means of their glorious preaching work.


  • drew sagan
    drew sagan

    Padded field service times makes the most sense. "I've got this call I haven't been to in over 3 years, better check it out".

    And so the cycle continues.

  • Finally-Free

    Now that's what I call zeal for Jehovah's service!


  • nomoreguilt

    OHHHHHHHHHH I just loved this one. Brought back to mind the time when my sons were going door to door as young teens. I admit I regret that I ever brought them into this mindset. Anyways, they told me of these 2 friends of theirs who would work together and when they would go up to the door they would make a fake knocking gesture at the door. It appeared to the older ones in the car group that they were actually knocking. Keep the faith friends!! LMAO on that one.

  • worldtraveller

    If you have to do some field service stuff-and you HAVE to write it down,and you believe God is omnipresent, why cheat on your report when God is watching? It's all mind numming!!!

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