Would YOU Like To Continue Having The Watchtower Summary???

by minimus 45 Replies latest jw friends

  • Will Power
    Will Power

    I look forward to the summaries each week - sometimes I don't have time to read in detail, or comment. This is a great tool to keep informed where our JW mate's head is at. The WT studies tend to promote certain behaviours and it is nice to be warned ahead of time. Zeal / Guilt / Arrogance / Superiority / Depressed / etc etc I would even like to see a new catagory/heading for easy selection, where all previous weeks would be instantly handy. This might also attact a newbie's attention. Not sure I could help in any way tho, sorry. wp

  • minimus

    I think you might want to check with Blondie regarding the scans.

  • jgnat

    Yes, it definitely meets a need. If a volunteer is needed for the commenting part, just drop me a line.

  • minimus

    I personally liked the way the format was this past week on the comments. It was, imho, easy to read and you didn't have to stop reading the WT. article to read the comments--- and then have to find your place and read from the Watchtower again.

    Keeping the commentary simple makes for easier reading. Too much info can be a bit overwhelming.

  • yesidid

    I too, really, really appreciate the WT summary. As others have said, it lets us know about and be prepared for the current indoctrination.

    It's very handy to know where your JW family is at right now. The warnings can also be helpful in pre-empting their brainwashing.

    I'm grateful to all involved.

    Thank you


  • mamochan13

    I don't read it regularly, only articles that catch my eye, but I've greatly appreciated the summary. It helps to know what they are feeding my JW family and it really helps to glean points to reinforce my stance.

    I'll be honest, here. I enjoyed Blondie's summaries, but I know they were a lot of work. Sometimes it seemed like too much information (although it's hard to say what could be eliminated), so perhaps a slimmer version would be better. I enjoyed the more recent versions, although I found them a bit overprocessed. I think Minimus was a pretty good balance, although I missed Blondie's sharp wit and background info.

    I guess what I'm saying is that everyone doing the summaries brings a slightly different perspective. However, it does take a certain skill with irony and satire, and not everyone is good at it. I'd love to see them continue, but in a form that does not overly tax anyone involved.

    I might be able to help with scans, now that I think of it, I'd have to snoop around at my moms house.

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