Knights Templar logos and "cross and crown' on old Watchtower covers!!!

by Witness 007 31 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Homerovah the Almighty
    Homerovah the Almighty

    The beginning of the marketing strategy as it presents its self.

    Russell's salesmanship was apparent

  • nvrgnbk

    There is nothing secretive about the secret teachings and symbols.

  • ninja

    hey nvr....that book is a fascinating read.....get it if you can......

  • The Nothing Man
    The Nothing Man

    Manly P Hall was a great Philosopher, Mystic and historian. He was clearly a genius; he wrote the Secret Teachings of all Ages at 25.

    Be careful not to associate Masonry with the symbolism you see today. The Masons have adopted the symbolism, not created it.

  • JohnsonXIII

    Those symbols are used in Royal Arch Masonry, but at the time the symbols were widely used in Cristianity. C.T. Russell may have know a few Freemasons but he was not one.

  • martinwellborne

    one thign russel wasnt was a mason. check famous.non.masons

  • drew sagan
    drew sagan

    This symbol is not as mysterious as some would like to believe

    Wikipedia: Cross and Crown

  • NewLight2
  • JCanon
    Those symbols are used in Royal Arch Masonry, but at the time the symbols were widely used in Cristianity. C.T. Russell may have know a few Freemasons but he was not one.

    That might technically be true. But Russell himself acknowledge many different secret societies. Those emblems on the books and magazines was to invite those who were in the secret societies who were hiding out now from the establishment to come into the organization. The "Mysteries" are ways and means of doing things. Russell comes from an "Illuminati" blood line so he didn't have to join the local Freemasons. What is interesting is the subtlety of the WTS worship of the Mother Goddess in the form of the Tower Goddesss. This is most clear when the abdominal "7th Volume" was put out and it included a verse-by-verse commentary of the book of Canticles, which is a "Mysteries" book. It's about many of the forms of the Mother Goddess Artemis, but what is most pertinent is 8:10: "I am a wall, and my breasts are like towers." "If she should be a wall, we shald build upon her a battlement of silver." Those symbolisms are part of the Watchtower! The wall with battlements and the tower. They represent the Mother Goddess, the "goddess of fortresses..."


  • JCanon

    Interestingly, there is a very high percentage of XJW discussion boards that are clearly Freemason oriented. All kinds of "Watchers" out there, the EYE OF HORUS is everywhere!!!


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