What will it take to really change the WT Society?

by Mindchild 12 Replies latest jw friends

  • Mindchild

    For many ex-Jehovah’s Witnesses there is a disconnection between what we wish we could be doing in terms of making pronounced change in the ideological structure of the Watch Tower Society or the dissolution of it, and what we actually find ourselves doing. At some level we sense there are incredible potentials just waiting to be realized in the collective struggle to bring down the “Tower” not just because it is fundamentally wrong and harmful to millions of lives but also for the changes it will make in our lives. Over the years though, I think a lot of us kind of feel that we are stumbling around in the dark trying one thing or another without anything serving as catalyst that starts an energetic chain reaction.

    In a way, it reminds me of a phenomenon I learned back in my college days about termites. Termites are known to be master builders of huge and complex nests that have sophisticated environmental controls and security features yet termites are both blind and leaderless. In fact, if you put a few termites together in a small chamber with plenty of building resources they seem like the Three Stooges and never quite get anything right and nothing gets built, no matter how long you wait. Introduce a certain critical mass of additional termites though to the group and something remarkably different happens. Suddenly, everything starts to go right and immediate progress is made. The process whereby this happens is called emergence.

    Emergence has not flowered yet with the collective army of ex-witnesses on this site and many other ex-dub websites or activist groups and presently we appear not to be much more than a group of discontented and soured former members. There are certainly a lot of bright and talented people in the ranks of the “apostates” who would love nothing more than working on the constructive liberation of those still trapped in the Borg or would be happy just accelerating the evolution of it’s eventual metamorphosis or destruction in some way but in effect they are all running around and working independently at best. These comments are not intended to be negative of the individuals who have already followed their conscience and engaged in battle with the Society but my point is that almost all these efforts are individual in nature and not a collective group strategy.

    I’ve been wondering if there is a way to work with other people in teams to systematically and collectively research and exploit the property of emergence for our own use and then create a dynamic movement which aims at synchronizing the amazing amount of potential of all these people who escaped from JW ideology and want to work for positive changes in this religion, barring that, to bring it down

    My guess though is that the time isn’t right yet. To my own way of looking at things it appears that people who do online associations in ex-dub sites are primarily there for their own healing, fellowship with others, and perhaps entertainment. Maybe this is a misconception on my part though, what do you think?

    Another thought for you to consider is that I think that the social evolution of the Witnesses, left to a random and independent feedback loop, won’t happen rapidly this way. I believe that there is a natural cyclic evolution that the Watch Tower Society is following and perhaps at another time I will post my thinking on that. My guess is though, that left to natural internal cycles, the Society will just restructure with different packaging on the outside but the same drivel on the inside.

    If you think that a small group of people working together to change the Society is doomed to failure, it is probably due to the fact that you don’t pay much attention to the abilities of individuals working together to influence other individuals. Sometimes people think that as the individual seems to be so small and the Watchtower Society so big, that we have little chance of changing the Society, and then the individuals making up the Society will likewise never change. “Society” is only a word, there are only individuals, there is no society, and it is a mental concept. You soon realize that you can only change the individual, even though this seems like such a small way of doing things. However, once you learn the way to do this, it is immediately applicable to individuals everywhere and enables rapid assimilation and evolution of others in the future.

    Your thoughts?


  • Celtic

    I agree most wholeheartedly with the majority of your views. I too wish to work more within a team. It would be far more effective in at least getting the society to recognise its faults, make the right changes possibly and an apology from them would be really cool.

    The hundredth monkey effect?

    If you want help anytime or assistance shared in perhaps setting up a development charity or trust for ex witnesses for which one can apply for funding through many various channels I'd be extremely interested in working with others upon such.

    Let me know, better still, converse in more depth via email: [email protected]


  • Simon

    I agree - people will leabe the WTS one person at a time. With everyone that leaves it will put more pressure on those that stay to do the same.

    If one person leaves a congregation it's easy to shun them. If 5 leaves it's a little harder. If half have left imagine the morale of those remaining?

    Once the number leaving reach a critical point the 'heomoraging' will intensify. Everyone who talks to their relatives or friends abuot the truth has a part.

  • princecharmant

    It's all wishful thinking. Luther's breaking away from Roman Catholicism did not bring down the Catholic Church. People leaving the WTS will not make the WTS any less attractive to those who want to stay. If destroying the WTS is your agenda, you may as well own up that you've failed and will continue to fail. The WTS will survive even if it is severely weakened. As you well know, people associate with a religion or practice a faith for a myriad number of reasons. Your reason for leaving may be some other person's reason for staying.

    Forget about coordination among ex-Witnesses. It will never happen. Your best bet is to get on with your life, "help" those who welcome your advice individually. Given the time most ex-Witnesses spend discussing witness-related issues, nit-picking WT publications, writing critiques on them, etc., they show they never really left the Watch Tower. They may believe they have a noble cause for putting themselves through that grind, but the bottomline is that most seem to want and need the WT even though they claim to be out, almost like a drug addict needs a regular fix. For whatever cause and albeit all proclamations to the contrary, most ex-Witnesses are more WT slaves now than they ever were when they were regulars at the KH/knocked on doors every weekend.

    You battle, if indeed you initiate one, is doomed.


  • Prisca

    Well said PC.

    It's better to try to move on with one's life than pre-occupy all of one's thoughts on the WTS.

  • metatron

    Your concept of emergence is interesting.....

    The process of change/crumbling within the Watchtower must
    feed on itself, I think. I believe we will see a critical
    'moment' when change accelerates. This 'moment' must involve
    some sort of mass perception among Witnesses that the
    organization is vunerable and slowly dying. If such a view
    emerges, then things really get interesting.

    What's needed are some really bad stats, more attention to
    the futility of raising children as Witnesses - or a string
    of courtroom defeats. In addition to this, we need to
    remember that internet penetration is still a little over
    50% in the US. Every percentage point increase is a blow
    to the the Watchtower Society - they can't defend themselves
    against the flow of exposure of years of lies. In many cases,
    one trip to the internet does the trick.

    If it seems glacial, we need to remember that
    the Watchtower's decline is now assured and consistent.
    It may be slow, but they have no ability to reverse
    the inevitable.


  • ashitaka

    An interesting thought, but even a concentrated blow to the core of the Witnesses would only intensify them; they would bury deeper in the sand because they'd believe the end was come. I once hoped to really do something profound and help all old friends and family to see the light. I've struggled for years, and now I have my family; but the friends would take a lifetime. It's just not feasable. And that's not the old JW rhetoric closing in. Just a weariness from years of fighting and reasoning on doctrine and experience.

    I do agree with the concept of emergence-yet that is counting on people to want to involve themselves in a group called the ex-JW's to try to destroy the Jw's. It becomes another strange sect, not a religion per se, but an organized group of naysayers; I just can't see the point in it.


    "I pray that I may never see the desert again-hear me God."-Robert Bolt

  • Abaddon

    I think that predicting history and sociological changes is primarily dependent upon understanding momentum.

    The faster moving (i.e., more dynamic and/or new) and more numerous the adherents of a sociological movement, the more momentum. The more momentum, the harder it is to change the historical chain of events or sociological entity.

    The number of adherents of the sociological group or people within the the 'event horizon' of the historical event is more important than the 'speed'.

    A massive, old, established organisation will be harder to change than a new religion with 100 fanatical adherents, for example. The Roman Catholic church is far harder to change direction of than Heaven's Gate.

    The JW's have a fair amount of mass, but are not 'massive'. The 'speed' of the movement is seemingly reducing, at least in the developed world.

    It seems fair to predict that major, as destinct from glacial, change will become more likely. What is also possible, is that the imbalence between the religon in the developed and eveloping world will cause a rift, with a more moderate, 'mainstreamed' version of the faith developing in the developed world, and a more 'original' form of the religion continuing in the developing world.

    Ignoring the possibility of schism, and allowing that the Organisation has too high a level of momentum to let the UN?NGO issue to significantly alter it's course, if change happens it will almost certainly follow the same path taken by all new religions.

    Eventually it will be 'just another religion', joining the smorgasboard of Christian faiths and having no major detrimental affect on adherents (any more than any religion).

    This will take 100 +/- 75 years.

    Fairly loose porediction, but I am 100% confident in it.


    It's like, effective World Government= 200 +/- 100 years, Britain joining the Euro = 10 +/- 8 years, a United States of Europe = 50 +/- 25 years; all these events WILL happen, bar a major shift in history.

    The Borg WILL loose it's 'bad' side. But when, oh lord, when...

    Keep on rocking in the free world...

  • blondie

    I've always wondered what would happen when all the "real" or "genuine" anointed are dead and the end is not yet. The WTS has always said that some of them will have to be on earth so the rest of the world can be judged at the great tribulation as to how they treated Christ's brothers. No anointed, then will there be a GT? Sort of like the Messiah had to come before 70 A.D. when all the genealogical records were destroyed.

  • Gozz

    Even the GB is preparing for the demise of the 'anointed class', or rather, it's representatives. In the eyes of the Watchtower, the anointed ones as individuals are not important at all if they're not at the top. Only few of the thousands claiming to be anointed take part in the provision of what is called spiritual food. And recent moves by the Tower shows that there's a preparation for the eventual demise of the top anointed. Members of the other sheep are being prepared for some big responsibilities (I think the Ezekiel prophecy is being revisited/revised for New Light to address this)..The 'real anointed'? If there are, they're scattered about probably somewhere, some in, and so me out, outside the Tower.

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