Looking for some friends

by nishayd 16 Replies latest jw experiences

  • patio34

    Hi again Vernisha,

    I just realized, there are links for some of the sites I recommended at the bottom of the page! Duh, to me!


  • gotcha

    hey vernisha....i think that it's good to read postings here coz at least you'll know what others think about the religion which may help u assess if this is really the right one or not....coming from different backgrounds and experiences, i personally learn a lot from people here...

  • celebrate

    Who says you are not the greatest person to look at? For that matter, who is? What I can tell you from personal experience is that if you act like no one likes you, no one will. First, like yourself, however you look. Strut your stuff, demand respect and people will respect you for who you are.

  • TheRecordCollector


    I would like very much to be your friend. First of all, Jesus said "judge RIGHTEOUS judgement". People have NO RIGHT to judge you on the way you look.

    I'm looking for friends too. Nishayd, I realize that religion is a personal choice, but, and I say this in love, I recommend that you NOT join the witnesses!

    It is a religous cult. It is the ULTIMATE in mind-control. I have a very dear friend...a precious woman, that Watchtower has stolen her mind, her body and her soul.

    PLEASE...be VERY careful! It is UNPHATHOMABLE the way They can twist scripture. Like the bible says "they 'WREST' the scriptures" to their own destuction. WREST meaning to twist, to pervert.

    Sounds to me like you've had some bad experiences with some religions... Just because someone "says" they are a Christian, doesn't nesessarily mean that they are. I should also tell you, that I personally do not believe in denominations. Get a copy of the King James bible, and study it for yourself. Accept Jesus Christ as your saviour, pray for guidence..he will give it to you, if you'll listen.

    I'd like to add my welcome to the site. I'm having some tough times right now myself, the person I told you about who is a witness, I love very dearly. One of the most difficult things a person can ever experience, is to see the person you'd give your life for, be swallowed up by the Jehovahs witness/watchtower cult.
    I cry for her. She's precious.

    You need UNconditional love & UNconditional friendship...those qualities are unfamiliar to JW's. And TRUE "salvation" "is not of works, lest any man should boast." Salvation cannot be "earned". All you have to do is "repent", and accept Christ.

    The other day at work, I asked a JW for the diffinition of a cult...
    she quoted to me from C.T. Russell's
    "Reasoning from the scriptures"! What a contradiction of interest!
    It reminds me of the verse in the bible (KJV),
    "They that judge themselves BY themselves are not wise."
    Please take note.

    Keep in touch.
    I wish you the very best.
    My email address: [email protected], and my name is Doug

  • ashitaka

    Hi Ny,

    Feel free to email or give me a post anytime you want to talk about anything. Before I was married, I too struggled with the same things you're talking about. I'm always open to a good discussion. And, Logi is right on the money. If you talk to anyone, make it Logical.

    I too write poetry (and novels) so feel free to pick my mind any time.


  • ISP

    Hi Ny, I think you have a good chance to make friends here. We are not judgmental and there is a good blend of folks. I hope you keep in touch.


  • outnfree


    Welcome to the Board!

    I have found this a warm, funny, delightful, supportive and sometimes cranky place to hang out. I'm sure you will, too.

    Read and learn. Read and learn about the Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society (aka Christian Congregation of Jehovah's Witnesses).

    Many here will become your online friends, and that will help with the loneliness that you feel. Right now, I feel very lonely because the rest of my family do not understand what a severe loss I have experienced. You see, I, too, felt like you do

    It would be nice to have someone tell me what all I need to do in order to please Jehovah. That's why I'm looking for some true Christians, so they can teach me that. I want good influences to be with. That's all I want is someone that I can talk to and feel comfortable around.

    When I began to question or disagree with some things that my brothers taught, I very quickly found that I could not talk to them or feel comfortable around them. They made me feel dirty and worthless. Their attitude was condescending, even though I had practiced no sin. So I left.

    But I am sad, because I wanted the answers, and I thought the Witnesses were providing them. Only after 11 years as a baptized Witness did I realize that they didn't have the answers at all!!! When I left, I lost my 'certainty' -- but it was false anyway.

    Now I am pleased to be searching still, this time searching without limitations imposed on me by the Society.

    I may never find the answers to some of my questions, but I have certainly found the answer to whether or not Jehovah's Witnesses are the 'true religion': the answer is 'No!'

    Search carefully, Nishayd, and again, welcome.


    Par dessus toutes choses, soyez bons. La bonte est ce qui ressemble le plus a Dieu et ce qui desarme le plus les hommes -- Lacordaire

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