have u ever wonder why sisters wear skirts to the meeting?

by XOCO 33 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Mincan

    Just reinforces visually for people (which can oftentimes be the most effective) that women and men have different roles in the congregation.

  • brinjen

    I think Mincan just nailed it.

  • Jim_TX

    "...Notice on TV from that time that mothers wore dresses even to clean house."

    ...and high heels. Remember the TV shows from that time period. They ALWAYS portrayed the 'mom' as doing her housework in a dress (full skirt) and heels - and hose. She never sweated (or showed it on TV), nor did she ever complain.

    Sorta like a stepford wife. (Watch the movie - either version.)

    Basically - the JWs are locked into the late 50's - or early 60's. Even the cars for the COs... I believe they look like models from that era.


    Jim TX

  • V

    This woman happens to be running for President of the United States. She consistently wears a pants suit (although this outfit is a shade of hideous). I think it is time JWs woke up to modern fashion.


  • Hipraptor

    I recall when I was going to the KH, that the sun was shining and one could see right through her dress, she was a bit of alright to, so hey maybe that is why?

  • White Dove
    White Dove

    That's the thing. WTS is worried that if women started dressing smarter like the successful educated ones on TV, they would start acting like it and that would be perceived as a threat to male domination.

  • White Dove
    White Dove

    As far as I know, female lawyers are supposed to wear skirts to court so they can win over the jury with more success than the opponent. Maybe it is a sales gimick like Mary Kay mandating dresses for sales.

  • Cheetos

    I think they should all wear Knickers, and Tank Tops only.

  • R.F.
    Why don't the WT send a WTPenney catalog for sisters, so everybody know what is spiritual clothing and what is worldy clothing?

    They already have that silly. It's called the The WatchTower.

  • Cicatrix

    Because there is a scripture in the Bible that condemns women for dressing in men's clothing, and vice versa. Can't remember where it is-in the Law somewhere, and also the one in Timothy? Titus?

    Something like that.

    The more years pass, the more I disremember:)

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