The legality of shunning

by DT 20 Replies latest jw friends

  • Magick
    need for constant approval and hugs.

    *gives steve a giant hug against his will*

  • buffalosrfree

    Shunning can work both ways, read a post yesterday about someone shunning a dub neighbor. It can work both ways shun them don't acknowledge them in any way and let them feel how it feels after awhile they will wonder why you aren't trying to get their attention or acknowledging them so that they can shun you, put it right back on them. And let those with you know that you don't talk to them because they want their God to destroy everyone that isn't of their religion.

    Who knows it might even open up some eyes!!

  • solidergirl

    Welcome In my case shunning ones that you know are going to shun you works. People don't like to be ingore thats why when your younger you play that i'm not listening game with your siblings. People only have as much power as you give them. To take away that power is like a sin in their eyes. Kinda of like a school yard bully you don't stand up to him he takes your lunch money. But when you do work up the nerve to stand up to him you walk away with your money and pride maybe a black eye or two. You took away his power form him and to on lookers you made him look weak. Plus he will think twice before coming at you again.

  • skeeter1

    There is a case in Pennsylania where the Pennsylvania Supreme Court said former member won the right to sue a church for shunning. Read up on "Bear v. Reformed Mennonite Church,Pa. 341 A.2d 105 (Pa. 1976)"

    I suggest that you read this article.

    And this book (available partially on-line)

    The Freedom of Association by Amy Gutmann

    Happy reading in your quest.


  • 5go
    But when you do work up the nerve to stand up to him you walk away with your money and pride maybe a black eye or two. You took away his power form him and to on lookers you made him look weak. Plus he will think twice before coming at you again.

    I am reminded of the senario in a sitcom were the bully still manages to walk away with the money, and the kid winds up in the nurses office.


    Hi DT,

    You make a valid case. The main point that I do not beleive any of the court cases have covered is...

    The WTBS is guilty of slander and libel with regards to shunning. Why?...

    Because they tell their members in print (libel) and from the platform (slander), to "treat disfellowshipped ones and disassociated ones as fornicators, drunkards, idolators, etc."

    In the case of my very moral elderly parents who disassociated, this is outrageous. Their former friends are instructed and in fact encouraged by the WTBS to treat these innocent people as "immoral." That in my judgement is slander and libel.


  • steve2
    take away that power is like a sin in their eyes. Kinda of like a school yard bully you don't stand up to him he takes your lunch money.

    Very astute comments with which I agree. It's over to to each individual to consciously choose not to play the victim role and to think creatively. The individual should not hand his or her former religion even more power by playing the "poor, pitiful me" role.

  • nvrgnbk

    Welcome, DT.

  • steve2

    In the case of my very moral elderly parents who disassociated, this is outrageous. Their former friends are instructed and in fact encouraged by the WTBS to treat these innocent people as "immoral." That in my judgement is slander and libel.

    Hey Bonezz, that's quite a high horse you're riding there! I have an entirely different take on this matter:

    According to the clear message I got from the local elders when I tried to dissassociate from the organization, it would have been better if I had committed a fleshly sin because apostasy was even worse than the sins of the flesh. So much for defamation and slander.

    I've long maintained that the JWs are "happier" - if that's the right word - kicking people out for immorality than for "apostasy" because the latter is an overt rejection of the Watchtower's claim to be the faithful and discreet slave class.

  • NewLight2

    If the WT dropped the shunning rule - they would not be able to keep up with the mass exodus. It is a control tactic. It keeps the members from leaving and it keeps the members from finding out the truth about 'the truth' by not allowing members to engage in conversations with ex-members who do.

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