Jehovah's Witnesses are not a cult and here's why I think so

by B_Deserter 69 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • wozadummy

    Hi B-deserter ,I don't agree as they only live in society as they do so they appear like other churches so they can preach at the doors .I don't think they would be as acceptable at the doors if they say dressed and kept physically seperate like the Armish for instance ,so they just adopt the American business model and pretend to mix normally in the community so they appear to be not freaks ,it's just a cunning con.

    Mentally they are seperate and notice how many parents among JW's home school - why is that? That's physical seperateness ,and their policy of low education keeps them seperate if they are cleaners etc and not amongst the broad spectrum of employment opportunites ,I'd say that's cultish. It's because they go door to door that they try to appear as others. It's just another flavour of American religion is'nt it?

  • WTWizard

    The day they started isolating people by expecting them to have minimal contact with the world, threaten people that attempt to leave in peace, and allow no questioning of those in charge, they become a cult.

    The cults that physically cut people off from the world appear more dangerous. But, those that do this mentally by demonizing everyone outside their organization are just as bad. Even worse, since people are less likely to think of them as cults. Just ask anyone who has been in it. The Witlesses hound their members to get their relatives in, and then use them to keep the whole group in. If one leaves for personal reasons (not able to keep up with field circus, questions about a doctrine, etc.). the whole family is then used to coerce the member to stay. If that doesn't work, the one with the dissident viewpoint or that wants to leave for personal reasons is cut off from family. That is just as effective as physically isolating them.

  • Rosalee

    jwfacts used the term non-mainstream ...

    Now would that be non-mainstream in North America .. Africa .. Europe .. USSR .. China .. India ???

    If you are a Catholic in China .. you are not mainstream.

    If you are a Muslim in USSR .. you are not mainstream ... etc, etc.

  • justhuman


  • carla

    You have not done your homework unless it came from the wt if you think just because they don't live in communes they are not a cult. I suggest you research cults, Robert Lifton, Margaret Thayer Singer are a few places to start. You have lots of homework ahead of you. The definition of cult fits the wt/jw's to a tee.

  • Anti-Christ

    I like to compare it to abuse. You have different kinds of abuse . I was victim of different kinds of a abuse, physical and mental but both are damaging. Physical abuse hurts physically AND mentally as for mental abuse it hurts mentally. A cult that controls you physically ALSO controls you mentally. The JW only control you mentally but it as the same affect. The only difference with physical and mental abuse ( and it's the same for cults) its that physical abuse is more obvious.

  • Junction-Guy

    You can call it a cult, a destructive false relgion, or a high control group, either way it is one devilish lying con game

  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    I must respectfully disagree. I believe they are a cult.

    The 'experts' do not differentiate in such things as 'mainstream' or 'physical isolation'. The definition that Hubert posted is pretty well accepted I believe by those who contemplate such things. All the elements are there to confirm the definition. And they are more dangerous than Jones, and Koresh combined. They have destroyed far more lives, have killed multiple times the victims - one at a time.


  • buffalosrfree

    Saying that Jehovah Witnesses are not a cult is like saying Adolph Hitler was a warm, personalbe, and loveable friend to any and all Jews. Wake up!!

  • Finally-Free

    Shit, dung, manure, feces, crap, stool, hershey squirts - different words but they all have the same stench.

    Giving the watchtower a less offensive name than "cult" doesn't make it any less abusive.


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