If U Had To Make A Choice----The Internet or a TV?

by minimus 47 Replies latest jw friends

  • bem

    Internet for me, so Red dot man whats your preference? inquiring minds want to know

  • poppers

    The internet; I am willing to pay for that, not for tv. As it is, I have rabbit ears and only get 3 stations, one of which is PBS.

  • minimus

    Why does a DEBUG statement keep coming on this thread?

  • Priest73

    Definitely internet. You have to pay for porn on TV =-)

  • babygirl75

    the satanic internet

  • AudeSapere

    I already made that choice earlier this year. I'm working far away from my home so have rented a room close to my current assignment. There was just one small tv in the living room and I'd have to have a cable installed in my room if I wanted tv in there.

    Money was tight for the homeowner and she asked if I would mind if she disconnected the cable.

    I opted for d/c and then upgraded her computer to wireless (about $50) and now can watch most of the programs I want to see on my laptop.

    The drawbacks are: Sound quality is poorer; I can't find streaming news (especially morning shows); history channel and movies are hard to find - if they are even out there.

    Maybe I'll start another thread with links to streaming tv shows...

    In closing. I vote INTERNET. Every time.


  • AlphaOmega

    Internet for me...

    I haven't watched TV for nearly 6 months now.

  • Superfine Apostate
    Superfine Apostate

    internet, anytime. can't live without it.

  • changeling

    Internet. I can still see my favorite shows on it if need be.


  • John Doe
    John Doe

    I haven't watched tv in a couple years. At least you can ignore advertising on the internet. ;-)

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