Church buys minister a Rolls Royce

by Burger Time 16 Replies latest jw friends

  • primitivegenius
    What a crock of crap.... I know for a fact that dude has a hellicopter also... just damn

    dawg ......... you forgot the jets cause he flys between his churches in college park and new york.. you know he dont use delta lol

  • rekless

    Well, don't forget that muti-billion dollar extravaganza in New York. We paid a hell of alot more for those things than that damn car--matter of fact didn't we pay for every COs' and DO's vihicle and their insurances.

    He got a house and car they got a whole damn printing empire that we all bought and paid for.

  • justhuman

    why not, Jesus whould have ride a Rolls if he had one, instead of donkey...

  • R.Crusoe

    I'm not sure what the guy himself thinks but if he doesn't want to race a camel through the eye of a needle then he should give it away to some needy group. Someone once bought me something that sounded very similar and it saw me through the day. It was one of Roys Rolls!

  • truthsearcher

    These people are so out of touch with biblical Christianity that it sickens makes me think of Jesus's statement in Revelation that he would spew them out of his mouth for being lukewarm. Or maybe they will be those to whom he will say , "I never knew you".

    "My lifestyle does not come out of the church's bank account," he said.
  • primitivegenius

    what i find amuseing about the entire situation is........ now when so many are struggleing finacially especially in his own congregation........ he still accepts the rolls.

    i had a hard enough time getting around his name....... creflo dollar.............. its to cleche........ ive been to his church.... he preaches a good message but wasnt for me.

    he preaches prosperity and a good message but i guess he chooses to show prosperity as well so he keeps the rolls.

    i have much more respect for joel olsteen and bob coy who both have nice rich churches (lakewood and calvary chapel fort lauderdale) but they live a more modest lifestyle. joel made 13 million in his book sales alone so he could totally buy his own rolls if he so chose......... and bob finally decided to buy himself a nice convertable..... instead of a lexus he bought a toyota......... shows restraint.

    if im gonna give my tithe i want to see what good things the church is doing with it....... not see them driving a benz much less a rolls

  • Wordly Andre
    Wordly Andre

    Oh this guy was on tv saturday night on some kind of pledge mission, with his huge gold watch and diamond rings, makes you sick, you know that there are poor followers giving what little they have to this evil man. At least buy him one of those striking writers so he can make a little sense, all I heard was "wasssa, wassa, wassa" between blah blah blah,

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