The Depths They Will Sink To.....

by sweet pea 29 Replies latest jw experiences

  • sweet pea
    sweet pea

    Having almost gotten over my JW ex-best friend telling me she could no longer be my friend, handing me back my spare keys, sending a note and present to my kids with not even a 'dear Sam', shunning me in the park, etc, etc she now SACKS HER IMMIGRANT CLEANER (who became her cleaner due to my recommendation a year ago) BY TEXT MESSAGE. Cleaner phones her to check out what's going on and she tells her YOU CAN NO LONGER CLEAN FOR US AS YOU WORK FOR SAM AND MY HUSBAND WANTS US TO HAVE NO CONNECTION WHATEVER - YOU MAY TELL HER THINGS ABOUT US AND WE DON'T WANT THAT.

    Charming, another kick in the stomach for me and a great witness to the cleaner (who ironically we found out a few months ago has a father who is a Witness!).

    The wonderful world of being a Jehovah's Witness. I'm so glad I'm out.

    Just had to get that off my chest, thanks for listening.

  • lisaBObeesa


    I'm so sorry you have to go through this.

  • Wasanelder Once
    Wasanelder Once

    Isn't it amazing the reasoning they can use to be heartless to others because of "showing principled love" towards the wayward sheep? Sickening. W.Once

  • sweet pea
    sweet pea

    The ironic thing is that when she told me she couldn't be my friend anymore, she said she would be the first one waiting at the end of my driveway to welcome me with open arms once I decided to return - all this disgusting, unchristian and unloving behaviour continues to confirm the decision to leave was the right one.

    I also don't think I ever want a friend like that again.

  • zack

    Ahhhh... the love......

  • ninja

    tell her...when she finds out it's all a will be waiting with your middle finger up.......

  • brinjen
    when she told me she couldn't be my friend anymore, she said she would be the first one waiting at the end of my driveway to welcome me with open arms once I decided to return

    What a fine christian example, can their love be any more conditional?

  • dinah

    A true friend would never treat you that way. True friendship is unconditional love, not withholding love to bully someone to come around to their point of view. A friend would be there to give you support. Oh yeah, if she does that they would kick her out too. Sad.

    Thankfully, my best friend and I got booted from the JW's at the same time. We would have never made it without each other's support.

    I'm so sorry your "friend" turned on you. They are so brainwashed!! Since when do we use love as a weapon? And why the paronia about the housekeeper telling you things? What is she hiding? Stories like this remind me of the insanity in the religion.

  • ninja

    when I was out sunday night at the pub ....4 of us altogether (me,my mate(?) ...his wife and her friend) so-called mate who is still a JW...(you can see his pic walking with me in the pics thread)started talking about the JW stuff.....I rebutted it with all mildness as you'd expect......after a couple of minutes he got really angry......then he called me an apostate.....(moi!!!!!) up and started walking home.....(home was about 6 miles away!!)his wife and friend were quite embarrassed about it morning I was taking the kids to school ...his car stopped behind mine.....I got out and asked if he got home okay......he was very frosty towards me and told me the following....he has been studying more than ever and has no doubt in his mind that I am wrong....but he was worried about his wife and her friend as they are weak in the truth at the moment and could be swayed by what I was saying........I said....yep religion is a pretty emotive issue isn't it....I have decided I am not going out when he is there anymore......he always starts the questions and doesn't like the this a first? apostate is shunning a witness.....he

  • Jourles

    I know it's rough when your friends do that to you, but there is a way to look at this positively. Just keep telling yourself that by your friend's example, they unknowingly kept a "worldly" person from ever joining this cult....and you didn't have to say a word.

    "By their fruitage..."

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