The WTS in The Zionist Conspiracy

by FatJackMcCracken 45 Replies latest jw friends

  • JanH


    I didn't know you sympathized with nazis.

    - Jan
    "Doctor how can you diagnose someone with Obsessive Compulsive Disorder and then act like I had some choice about barging in here right now?" -- As Good As It Gets

  • Seeker
    Since C.T.Russell's time, spiritistic leanings, demonology, Giza pyramid prophecies, occultic and masonic symbolisms, and Old Testament exegesis have been part of Watchtower theology.

    Correction: During Russell's time those things were part of WTS theology. Since then, the Society has ditched virtually all of it.

    Russell himself took some sort of secret vow which caused demons to regularly assault him.

    Evidence, please.

    Russell is alleged to have been a Rosicrucian

    Evidence, please.

    Prior to the end of the 19th century Russell was alerted to the Illuminati's plot to commence another world conflict in 1914. Unable to identify his source without advertising his Illuminati links, he conveniently seized upon the prophetic works of others,

    Evidence, please.

    Rutherford appears to have had further insider tips, for in 1942 he predicted that the then defunct League of Nations was going to be revived

    Uh, Knorr made that prediction. Rutherford was dead when that happened. And there were no insider tips -- this information about the League was in the New York newspapers before Knorr gave his talk.

  • Commie Chris
    Commie Chris

    This stuff is so dumb it should not be dignified with debate or even a substantive response. It is very similar to, and on an intellectual level with, the conspiracy theories of the Aryan Nations and other wacko neo-Nazi cults.

  • chappy


    Whadda you think about this article?

  • sf


    I just had to give back the book mentioned here. It had an add-on in the back of the book. One word: Fascinating! I was only in possesion of it a couple of days.

    Hey Jack, nice pic.


  • sf

    FATJack,thanks for your reply.I found talmudic on the computer,and I wouldn`t trust wts to tell me the time of day.How ever I am researching your post,I find it interesting.Can you tell me where to find evidence of wts funded by Rothchild via B`nia B`rith 1879 and Frank Goldmans claim in swiss court 1922.I find some truth in your claims,I would like to know where the truth leads me.Thanks OUTLAW

    The Golden Rule:The people with the gold, make the rule`s!

  • sf

    My computer will not open these files:

    < +

    If someone can get them opened, I'd like to view them.

    Thank you, sKally

  • chasson

    >Can you tell me where to find evidence of wts funded by Rothchild via B`nia B`rith 1879

    Really good question...

    So FATjack ?



  • FatJackMcCracken

    Responses:-Let me tell you something; I might be fat,bald and uglier than a mangled turd in an Afgan's underpants, but some of you guys have shit for brains.
    JanH: I didn't know that I sympathized with nazis either.
    Seeker: Roll up your sleeves and get off your lazy arse and do your own research, even if it's just to prove me wrong!
    Commie Chris: If this story is so dumb, what does it say about you for reading it?
    Chappy: William Cooper swears Majestytwelve to be a genuine document.
    RR: Are you a homosexual? Perhaps you've gotten over-aggressive by swallowing too much semen. I'll forward your threat to the F.B.I--They may want to speak to you.
    Outlaw: Try, and scroll down to 'America is still a British Colony'. You can springboard to other sites.
    Anyone who believes the bible to be God's word is compelled to believe in conspiracies. Satan and Eve conspired together. Satan, spirit beings and human beings also conspire. Also, it's interesting to observe how most people that have been conditioned to pooh-pooh conspiracies, hurry to embrace the idea that Moslems are conspirators. Why is that?

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