Yes, It's Been Awhile, How Have You All Been?

by RAYZORBLADE 16 Replies latest jw friends


    Greetings my fellow JWD posters. Yes, it's been quite some time since I've graced the on-line pages here.

    I think like many people, you get in here "hot & heavy" so-to-speak, and then after awhile, you either grow tired of it; frustrated and well, peoples' reasons to leave or 'take a break' are as long as a roll of Charmin (not great for writing on mind you).

    Quite frankly, I didn't think I'd find myself posting here. But after a couple of years; the occasional browsing of topics and to see how a few members were doing, I don't mind opening up the door once again periodically and add my two cents worth.

    There looks to be many newbies, hell.....I don't even recognize 1/10th of the people posting on here. But that's good. Must be new people leaving the WTBTS steadily; thanks to a site like this one (and several others too).

    I really don't know if I'll contribute a whole lot, as there's just so much information that I'd only be duplicating what someone else has already shared.

    Maybe I'll dig up one of my old 'in-service stories' - they're good for the occasional belly laugh.

    It's funny reading about 'new light'again. My goodness, the WTBTS just never gives-up does it?

    Anyways, I just thought I'd relax, take a deep breath and pop-in here today on this cold Thursday evening.

    My only wish here as I reintroduce myself back on to this forum is: that I don't get pepper-sprayed.

    Get my back, some of my old alliances.

    Many thanks!!

    Nice to see you all again.

  • llbh

    Nice to see you. i am newish here to carry on posting

    regards LLbh

  • PEC

    Welcome back, hang around for a while so we can get to know you.


  • JH

    You remembered your password......

  • Uzzah


    Great to see you! I so often have thought as I am driving down Spadina I gotta stop in a say hi.

    Tried once but you weren't around. Are you still working the same location? If so I will have to come buy and say hello and catch up.

    Ray is and always has been one of the good people I think of fondly from my time on these boards. Damn nice to see you tonight!


  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    Hey there Bro

    I've been thinking about a trip to TO to see my brother and always think of you and wonder if we could meet up somehow.

    Not sure when I will actually do it of course because traveling anywhere requires major palnning

  • sweetstuff

    Nice to meet you Razerblade.

  • SnakesInTheTower

    welcome RAYZORBLADE... two years is a long time..

    Snakes ()

    PS>>>>>>got a weird question for the mods.......the forum software is screwy...did anyone else notice this?...its just odd LOL.. How did his post go from post 4176 to 4177 to 4176...???? Not casting dispersions on RAYZOR...just wondered how the post count went anyway.... ..i have too much time on my hands..I am going back to watching tv,.....

    this is post 4176 from 2007...:

    RAYZORBLADEYes, It's Been Awhile, How Have You All Been?

    Post 4176 of 4176
    since 12-Jan-03

    45 y 1 m 19 d

    Greetings my fellow JWD posters. Yes, it's been quite some time since I've graced the on-line pages here.

    I think like many people, you get in here "hot & heavy" so-to-speak, and then after awhile, you either grow tired of it; frustrated and well, peoples' reasons to leave or 'take a break' are as long as a roll of Charmin (not great for writing on mind you).

    Quite frankly, I didn't think I'd find myself posting here. But after a couple of years; the occasional browsing of topics and to see how a few members were doing, I don't mind opening up the door once again periodically and add my two cents worth.

    There looks to be many newbies, hell.....I don't even recognize 1/10th of the people posting on here. But that's good. Must be new people leaving the WTBTS steadily; thanks to a site like this one (and several others too).

    I really don't know if I'll contribute a whole lot, as there's just so much information that I'd only be duplicating what someone else has already shared.

    Maybe I'll dig up one of my old 'in-service stories' - they're good for the occasional belly laugh.

    It's funny reading about 'new light'again. My goodness, the WTBTS just never gives-up does it?

    Anyways, I just thought I'd relax, take a deep breath and pop-in here today on this cold Thursday evening.

    My only wish here as I reintroduce myself back on to this forum is: that I don't get pepper-sprayed.

    Get my back, some of my old alliances.

    Many thanks!!

    Nice to see you all again.

    this post 4176 was from 2 years ago in 2005...:

    RAYZORBLADELed Zeppelin Lyrics

    Post 4176 of 4176
    since 12-Jan-03

    45 y 1 m 19 d

    "...if it keeps on raining, levees gonna break" "...when the levee breaks, momma you gotta move"

    "....crying won't help you; prayingwill do you no good; when the levee breaks, momma you gotta move"

    IP: dVgC9KQdRxFvbCT3 31-Aug-05 04:19 by RAYZORBLADE: Other

    and post 4177 from 2 years ago in 2005:


    Post 4177 of 4177
    since 12-Jan-03

    45 y 1 m 19 d

    Anyone, can post to any thread. Whether they understand or 'get' the intent of the author/writer.

    So am I to take it that this means it is now okay with you if straight folks are supportive and excited about changes in the laws, and you won't get pissy if we post a topic or engage in discussions instead of 'minding our own business'? I for one, have been reluctant to say anything on the subject for quite some time now.

    Have I ever been obverse Talesin, with regards to what you've stated or shared previously on the subject?

    My intent far from how you interpretted it; that like several times before, you leave me baffled, perplexed and confused.

    You don't have to be reluctant or quiet. You can say whatever you like, whenever you like about any topic that suits your fancy.

    IP: dVgC9KQdRxFvbCT3 31-Aug-05 05:05 by RAYZORBLADE: Other
  • nowisee

    HEY RAZOR!! me too. i am hardly ever here any more....just check in once in a while to see if anything new or interesting is happening. i was so surprised to see you tonight. you were always one of the best things about the forum for me. miss you. hope all is going well. love, nowisee (good thing katnewmas is not here tonight or there would be rumblings about the holy trinity again!! lol)

  • bikerchic

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