Do Ladies Prefer Gentlemen?

by compound complex 69 Replies latest jw friends

  • freyd

    There's been a problem with authority since the Garden of Eden. As much as I want to have respect for females, no matter how logical you appear, sooner or later you all revert. The best I can provide is good vodka, good manners and financial considerations which you may interpret as love.

  • ninja

    this is the mystery of women....they tell us they like gentlemen that treat them well........but behind your back they are down at the rugby club chatting up the men...........sorry just talking from personal experience.....nah not really .....sorry wifey....he he

  • restrangled

    Are your two out of your minds? There are a lot of girls on this are looking in all the wrong places!

    this is the mystery of women....they tell us they like gentlemen that treat them well........but behind your back they are down at the rugby club chatting up the men...........sorry just talking from personal experience....
    The best I can provide is good vodka, good manners and financial considerations which you may interpret as love.

    What ridiculous statments! Grow up guys, and face reality.


  • John Doe
    John Doe

    What's this about holding doors for women? I've always thought it proper to hold the door for anyone behind me, regardless if they're a man or a woman. Am I the only one?

  • ninja

    hey restrangled....finish off the remarks i was just after the comment "sorry just talking from personal experience".........please quote the rest ........bloody women....he he

  • mrsjones5

    When I used to work at Target as a night stocker something happened to me. I had just got off shift, punched out, and left the building heading for my van. Just as I had shut my door and locked it I see a car come tearing across the parking lot and stop in front of my car. A man jumps out of the car and waves at me, what he wanted I don't know but it scared me. I shook my head, started my van and took off. I reported the incident to my supervisor and from then on I was watched everytime I got off shift to make sure I made it to the car safely. Someone told me that what happened was being talked about among the other employees and some guy heard about it and said "Oh she's a big girl, I bet she could have taken him." I was offended, I may be a big girl but I'm not a fool. I have gotten this attitude from some men most of my life, that just because I'm tall and curvy I'm less of a woman and therefore don't need to be respected or protected as a woman.

    I prefer gentlemen, I prefer men who think of me as a woman and not an amazon or a man with breasts.


  • ninja

    p.s......I accept your apology

  • cyd0099

    Well, whatever they prefer, it ain't me.

  • ninja
    ninja used to be a night stalker!!!!!!!!.....he he....stalk me please........your wee mate....da ninja

  • changeling

    You are right John Doe, that is common courtesy.

    Now, when you are on a date, being attentive about little things like opening doors, walking a woman to her car or door take on a different meaning. They show you value her, they go beyond common politeness.

    As a mom I've taught my son to open doors for women, children and the elderly and infirm. Also to give up his seat if they are standing.

    I know this may sound trivial, but my dad is in a wheelchair and you would not believe how often people see me struggling with a door to push him through and they just stare at me. More than once I've said things like: "i guess there are no gentelmen left in the world" as I walk away.

    CoCo, my answer is yes. I for one prefer gentelmen. I in no way think that being polite and courteous takes away from a man's masculinity. In fact, for me, it enhances it.

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