News Release: Special Awake! Campaign

by betterdaze 37 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • betterdaze

    Jehovah's Witnesses Office of Public Information

    For Immediate Release
    November 1, 2007

    Witnesses uphold the Bible as worthy of investigation in special issue of Awake!

    NEW YORK—In an age when it has become increasingly popular to criticize and denigrate the Bible, Jehovah’s Witnesses remain staunch advocates of careful study of its content. Witnesses are publicizing compelling reasons for investigating the Bible in the November 2007 issue of their monthly journal, Awake!

    Witnesses will be working hard to give wide distribution to this issue of Awake! featuring the cover series “Can You Trust the Bible?” throughout the month of November. The magazine will examine sincere questions about the value of the Bible. It discusses the subject, “Reasons to Trust the Bible” and answers such questions as “Who Authored the Bible?” and “Does Archaeology Support the Bible?” The articles present evidence from a variety of fields, including history and science, for the answers given.

    The magazine was written to appeal to various groups, particularly those who are skeptical about the Bible. Five myths about the Bible are debunked in the article “Myth or Fact?” The article “What Is the Bible About?” features a concise summary of the Bible’s content and gives practical suggestions on how to get the maximum benefit from reading the Bible.

    Jehovah’s Witnesses, known for their global Bible education campaigns, publish Awake! as part of their worldwide volunteer work for the enlightenment of the entire family. Awake! is made available by Jehovah’s Witnesses without charge to all who wish to read it.

    Media contact: J. R. Brown, telephone: (718) 560-5600

  • Bobbi

    I wonder which of their publications they will say you have to study to understand the bible.

    Bloody H*ll, I see so clearly now!!

    Bobbi (who finished COC last night)

  • AlmostAtheist
    “Does Archaeology Support the Bible?”

    "See! Pontius Pilate really existed! Therefore, we KNOW everything else the Bible said is true!"

    Should be a laughably enjoyable series...


  • marmot

    There is one fundamental "stumbling block" that I have with the Bible that is only cursorily addressed in a single paragraph of wonderful circular reasoning. I've got the hard copy sitting next to me, this is what it says:

    AWAKE! November 2007
    Page 22

    "Myth of Fact?

    MYTH: Much of the book of Genesis, including the account about Adam and Eve, is allegory.
    FACT: Jesus' genealogy right back to Adam was recorded by the Gospel writer Luke. (Luke 3:23-28) If Genesis were myth, then where in the genealogy would the real names end and the so-called legendary ones begin? Jesus, who existed in heaven before coming to earth, believed what was written in Genesis, including the account of Adam and Eve. (Matthew 19:4-6) Thus, to question Genesis is to undermine the credibility of Jesus himself, as well as that of many Bible writers. -- 1Chronicles 1:1; 1Corinthians 15:22; Jude 14."

    Translation: If Genesis were myth it would cast doubt on the trustworthiness of the scriptures and the story of Jesus. The scriptures are trustworthy because Jesus believed Genesis is not a myth.

    Couldn't you just scream?

    Genesis says that a single man was created in 4026 BC, shortly afterwards he had one of his ribs removed and grown into a woman who listened to a talking snake and ate a piece of fruit that angered god so much he kicked them out of paradise and put a giant spinning flaming sword (he had to explain to Adam what a sword was, since they hadn't been invented yet) in front of the entrance to the garden. Around 2300 BC there was a massive flood that covered the entire earth and wiped out every living thing except for 8 people and two of every animal (except for when there were seven of every animal) and the receding floodwaters created all the existing geographical features of our planet, not to mention all our existing plant and animal diversity is the product of those flood survivors. Marsupials are the work of Satan to sow doubt in your heart.

    If you have even a passing interest in biology, geology, archeology, history or anthropology you would have just one comment:


  • Nosferatu

    Cool! Maybe they'll come to my door and I can tell them about that drunken sod of a JW I got to do my roof.

  • bite me
    bite me

    Does this mean there will be another new release of the translation? If so, I wonder what will be changed now.

  • sir82

    And don't forget this classic line of reasoning:

    "The Hebrew word [whatever] at Isaiah 40:22 can be translated circle or sphere...therefore, it MUST mean sphere, and clearly the writer fully understood that the earth was a sphere, not a flat circular disk".

    See? No conflict at all with "proven science"...when you make bold unsupported assumptions, that is!

  • Sunspot

    Personally speaking, I have no problem in trusting the bible----it is the men who write for the Watchtower that I do not trust AT ALL! Their complete past history is one of idiotic interpretations, stupid blunders taught as "present truths", and foolish speculations, has spoken for itself.

  • Burger Time
    Burger Time

    We need a massive campaign of the September KM! Don't study greek!! Wait study the bible, just not in it's original form!

    I imagine this is what the writer looked like of this article

  • Kudra


    That makes me laugh... a NEWS release...???

    Like WHO thinks this is a NEWSWORTHY event?

    I mean seriously.


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