Opposite doctrines taught at the same time:

by whyizit 25 Replies latest jw friends

  • Leolaia
  • AlphaOmega

    Acording to whyizit both the Insight books and the Revelation book were published in 1988.
    Maybe they wrote the Sodom section in the Insight book some years earlier when the light was on, and forgot to turn it off again before publishing?

    I'm thinking that it takes a long time to finish a work like the Insight books, and if they on top of that have to keep record of the lightbulb changing in other publications during the process...


    Yes... and it sounds like they have changed the lightbulb for a 6 million WATT lightbulb. WHAT ? WHAT ? WHAT ?

    Lame... but it made me laugh before I typed it.

  • VoidEater

    No citation, but my favorite:

    If you're annointed, you are commended to preach (you are of the FDS class); if you are of the Other Flock, you are not directly commanded to preach (indeed, you have no direct relatinoship with Jesus Christ, and have only the FDS to act as your intermediary, according to recent Watchtower).

    OK...so why are Other Sheep told they must preach door to door? Sometimes it is said they are "encouraged" or it is said "certainly they would want to support the annointed in this glorious work" - but which is it, are the Other Sheep commanded to preach or not? Why are those that do not preach, not counted as active members of the congregation? And what about those that are known to now preach and the pressure they are put under to do so?

  • AlphaOmega

    Leolaia... Wh.. H... err....

    So many questions...

    What were you looking for when you found that ?

  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    This is an example of the WTB&TS' "rope-a-dope" technique, intended to create confusion and mental tension in the rank and file, which tension is later "clarified" with a new understanding. Reliueved of their aching brains, the sheep comply.

    See 1984, by George Orwell.

    Can the light be on and off at the same time?


    In the world of Shroedinger's Quantum Cat, YES.

    Jehovah is a quantum dot.

  • AlphaOmega

    Scans Re : Revelation 22:12



  • zack

    These are great. No wonder Dubs are so confused.

  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    Of course the fact that even the WTS cannot keep track of who is the Alpha and Omega would lend absolutely no creedence to the idea that both could be, could it?


  • AlphaOmega

    Of course the fact that even the WTS cannot keep track of who is the Alpha and Omega would lend absolutely no creedence to the idea that both could be, could it?


    No sure what you mean Jeff. I think in later literature, the WTBTS says that BOTH Jesus and Jehovah are "coming quickly" in Revelation, not sure if they claim that the "Alpha and Omega" is both though. I guess that it could only apply to both if Jesus were God.

  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    They seem to attribute the words in Rev 22 to Jesus at times, and to Jehovah other times. Unless I misread what they intended in the scans above. What I meant was that they seem confused as to the identity, it seems muddled. Most Trinitarians use the Alpha/Omega argument in Revelation to show that Jesus/God are one.

    In just reading it in both places in Revelation, sans Watchtower filters [or at least as best I can after 40 yrs indoctrination], I find it hard not to find that Jesus claims the Title for himself. That would clinch the Jesus is God argument pretty well, taken by itself.


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