Am I In A Judicial Loophole? - advice please....

by Juniper 47 Replies latest jw friends

  • RollerDave
    Complete strangers with no publisher record card, no congregation file, no association with any congregation and not claiming to be an active JW will not be hunted down and disfellowshipped.

    I was, sorta.

    Dubs visited someone staying with me, caught a glimpse of CoC, and were ready to convene a JC until they were corrected of their misapprehension that I had ever actually been baptized.

    I had no association, no card, was not living as one, and was barely known to them.

    It might not be supposed to happen, but I have seen that it is NOT impossible.


  • 5thGeneration


    That was just some crazy fluke that caused a knee jerk reaction from some bonehead elders.

    As I said, pretty rare!

    Normally, they wouldn't ever happen to see a copy of CoC in an inactive householder's home.

  • onacruse
    Complete strangers with no publisher record card, no congregation file, no association with any congregation and not claiming to be an active JW will not be hunted down and disfellowshipped.

    That's not what the situation originally described by this poster. The situation you describe is, of course, a completely different matter: a non-JW.

    Every baptized JW has a "card" somewhere. It might just get lost in the shuffle, but it might also catch up with you, as some diligent Secretary peruses the files and calls a fellow elder or two.

    As an aside: I knew a fellow who was df'd from the Tigard congregation, and he went up a little bit north to the Beaverton congregation, and he presented himself as an upstanding brother at the book study. He was so convincing that he was even asked to offer the opening prayer. In a short time, he was "found out."

    John was a nice guy, but he just didn't "fit in." His wife and kids are doing very well, last I met them.

  • 5thGeneration

    Why is this so difficult?

    The situation is NOT a completely different matter.

    He is, in effect, a complete 'stranger' to the local congo just like any householder.


    There is no difference between a 'worldly' householder and a former JW of which the local cong has ZERO history.

  • SnakesInTheTower


    good evening (OK..morning now).... I was an elder for 5 years...with some specialty training along the way courtesy of the Borg...

    The current and past elders who posted previously are right....anything can happen... but likely NOTHING will happen.

    However, per Borg rules...not what is in the ks91 Flock book..but the policy letters in Brooklyn are what really rule....... a BOE can come after you if you suddenly appear on their radar... for whatever reason....someone who knows you sees you doing something "bad" and self-righteously telling the elders about it., telling a dub you did something "bad" and they run to their elders....

    but as for likelihood that you would be DF in absentia...low........

    the local congo whose territory you live in has no jurisdiction over you if your card was never transferred there. and even if it was there..then they only have jurisdiction if you allow them to.

    DONT MEET WITH THE ELDERS EVER!..... dont claim to be a JW...dont try to talk to local dubs if they come to your door..if you work with a dub...dont talk about religion or bring up your past association with the Borg..... and most ....i say MOST...BOE's have enough on their plate than to come after an inactive dub that is not originally from their congo....why stir the $hit if it doesnt stink?....The further away you are from where your card is...the better....if you were in the same circuit/area....then there might be reason for elder happens to bring your name up to another and a connection is somehow made....I have seen it is rare....and since you said you moved out of state..I presume it is far enough not to be a quick drive back to your old congo,,,,,, and finally..its up to the BOE in the congo where your card is to take any JC action against you...not where you are now....

    Sorry I posted in a rambling manner..its after midnight......hope it makes some sense... bottom line...DONT WORRY ABOUT IT...

    Snakes ()

  • 5thGeneration


    You nailed it.

    Good job!

  • onacruse
    bottom line...DONT WORRY ABOUT IT...

    Yes...wise words. It will be what it will be.

  • 5thGeneration

    Well at least Snakes gets some Kudos!

  • sass_my_frass

    They need, either:

    - a confession, or

    - two witnesses. That can be your parents. If you're rude to the elders who contact you, or you seem like trouble, they might decide they're the witnesses themselves.

    If you don't want to be disfellowshipped, stay off the local elders radar completely - don't make contact with them. If your parents do that for you, and the elders contact you, you must be polite, respectful, cheerful, good-natured, kind, humble, and you absolutely can't say anything that might incriminate yourself, such as "I'm having doubts" or "explain to me this (insert any criticism towards the organisation)". Maybe you have stopped attending meetings because you're depressed and you need some time to work this out through meditation and prayer. Thank them for their concern.

  • sass_my_frass

    I've noticed that the people who have been able to successfully fade are the ones whose family don't decide to dob them in. Their family might be a bit liberal, or dad might be an elder who understands the game.

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