I am confused!

by spiritboi 35 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • spiritboi

    Christians who encountered a near death experience say they saw Jesus at the end of the tunnel.Muslims see Allah, Buddhists see Buddha. Too bad for JWs, there don't see anything. Most XJWs may also won't see anything.

  • Awakened07

    Hi, and welcome to the forum.

    I think your story is interesting/fascinating. I don't think anyone here suggested that you're crazy for having these experiences; I think what was alluded to was that perhaps you should be checked out to see if you've got some kind of epilepsy for instance. If it turns out you do not, and everything else checks out too, then I see no harm in trying to help people with whatever gift or talent you may have.

  • BFD

    Welcome spiritboi.

    I am curious to know if you and your father charge a fee for one of these healing sessions.


  • Magick

    i may be new to this board (again)...but, i've been around the block a few times.

    of course, i shall wait and see and honor the benefit of doubt etc.

    my guess is...

    spiritboi is a christian and a closet gay. he likes gaming, anime, rufus wainwright, elliott yamin and the rainbow church community.

    he's intelligent, but young.

    that's why his writing style is all over the place. he hasn't honed the skill of trolling.

    nice premise...and the nail story was unique. i give you a B- *golf clap*

  • changeling

    I smell a troll...


  • Carl_Hernz

    Are you speaking in Jehovah's Witness terms when you say you are possessed? JWs believe all spirit activity is under direction of the demons since the death of the apostles. Or are you claiming to have charismatic gifts or charisms via some form of mysticism associated with a religion like a branch of Christianity?

    The JW belief that all "miracles" after the time of the apostles come from demons cannot be substantiated via apologetic testing (meaning their doctrine regarding spiritual gifts doesn't hold water). However even the greatest believers in "gifts of the spirit" like Penecostals, Christian charismatics, and the Roman Catholic Church are quite skeptical of such events. Most of these organizations have investigators that include people from all branches of biological science to study such claims of miracles and often, as is usually the case with the Catholics especially, it may take centuries before any of these events or healers are ever recognized as authentic...centuries!

    Where certain individuals in history (and there have been very few) have been recognized for having "miraculous" abilities by some of these groups, they generally all had the trait of not drawing any attention to themselves. They also didn't search out to be studied by anyone nor did any of them feel the need to speak out to a group to ask questions regarding their abilities. With their gifts these historical people just went about their daily routines with the knowledge of how to use their gifts without stirring controversy, debate, or question. Whenever any of these things did arise, history shows it was not started by any of these charismatics.

    If you belong to a religious group, Christian or non-Christian, you should go to those with authority in your group and privately discuss the matter with them. If you don't have such an affiliation, you should at least have the knowledge that there are differing opinions in this group, and announcing you have charisms of some sort will not help you if you are look for definitive conclusions. In fact you might bring hurt into this group by stirring up controversy.

    While I give you the benefit of the doubt, I would not bring up the subject unless it is of the utmost importance. The reason is that history is filled with people who have made such claims about themselves that have proven false, and in these cases these individuals enjoyed the attention the were receiving. Authentic "mystics" (Francis of Assissi is one after the time of the apostles that is recognized by most Catholics and Protestants) have done the opposite of what you have done. So if your gifts are authentic and beneficial, for the sake of those you might be able to help, stop talking about it or else people will think you are just fooling us and looking for attention.

    And if you think you are really possessed by a demon or evil spirits, then why are you asking an Internet board group to give you a diagnosis? Contact an exorcist or someone else who specializes in that stuff, please!

  • tula

    DAMN. Where is our resident priest when you need one?





  • spiritboi

    Thanks!Awakened07 for your advice. I am just being haunted by the JW teaching that all spirits not from Jehovah are evil.As my dad is a spirit medium when I was still a witness, I have read every article the WR has on spiritism.Also I don't like somebody else to be controlling my body. Hope I will soon have the out of body experience just like my dad and see with my own eyes what I am doing... BFD, no we don't charge a fee. People usually give us monetary rewards in the form of red packets when their wishes come true. But all these red packets we need to put into the temple of the deities healing them. We did not heal the sick. The deities did.No, this is not our means of living. My dad is a carpenter. I just completed my military service and is now looking for a job.

  • Kudra

    HA HA, now some1 say you are TROLL.

  • spiritboi

    I am troll? Call me whatever you like. Jws call me demonic, pig returning to the swine,etc..etc... I have got what I need. Thanks to Awakened07's advice : "I see no harm in trying to help people with whatever gift or talent you may have." JWs were saying I am controlled by the demons. This has been haunting me for the past two weeks.Now I am comforted. The spirits were not harming anyone. They also did not control my life. I can do anything I want. Only on scheduled days, wed and sat nights and emergencies such as the kid who swallowed a nail will they control me. There may be good spirits who are not from J after all.

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