I am confused!

by spiritboi 35 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • journey-on

    Stay Young and Beautiful,

    That was all a bit weird, who were these Gods?

    Read "The Gods of Eden" by William Bramley. It will give you some food for thought about your question.

    Spiritboi: Welcome to the forum. I have no comment as yet about your experience, but just wanted to welcome you.

  • choosing life
    choosing life

    Welcome to the forum,

    When you say you were "possessed", exactly what does that mean? How did you feel? Were you still in control and lucid or were you taken over by spirits and not of your own mind?

    Just curious. I guess I am a little confused aboout your new powers too.

  • eclipse
    I began to see people coming to my house, thanking the deities for healing them.

    Does that mean that you lost all memory of you healing them? Is this before you heal them or after?

    I am also curious how possession feels like, if you are in control at all during possession

    or if you have any recollection of what happens during that time period.

  • dawg

    What about that winning lottery ticket... I mean, if you can heal then other miracles shouldn't be out of the question.

  • eclipse

    maybe his powers are limited to healing....and not to divination or prediction?

  • ninja

    I have never had a nail come out of my mouth...but I have been hammered a few times

  • spiritboi

    You know why I started this thread? My girlfriend is a JW. It was she who brought me into the org. Even after my disassociation, she was still with me. But on my 20th birthday, she was with me when I was anointed. She was scared. She say it was demonic. She refuses to meet after that. I could not understand. How can these spirits be evil when they are coming down to help people? These spirits teaches people to do good. Could they be evil? Trance state : Maybe it's because I am new or what, I am completely controlled by the spirit. I just saw a yellowish bright light coming towards me and I totally blanked off. I willl feel very tired after the spirit left. For a while, I could still remember who asked for what but soon the memory vanished. But for my dad, he said he is out of the body and can see what the body do. As for the spirit powers, they have limits. Not everyone has the same powers. All these years while helping my dad, there were several cases of disease that they cannot do anything. A woman begs that her husband leg need not be amputated due to diabetics. The spirits told her that all they can do is to delay the need to amputate as it was already very serious. I don't think the spirits can cure people with AIDS. As I have said, these spirits wanted people to do good. Do good and u will be rewarded, do bad and you will reap what u sow. They are against gambling. The Bible brands all spirits other than angels as demons and evil. But they aren't evil. Now even my girlfriend thinks I am demonic!!!

  • dawg

    You seem like a cool guy, but surly you can see how a sceptic would tear this argument apart. Same argument against so called "faith healers" why can't they cure amputees?

    Bright lights and the like could be a medical condition your father has given you genetically.

    Good luck to you though, you seem kind... I hope you life goes well

  • tula

    welcome to the forum.


    How can I be out of the body?

    I guess we should call you "lightweight", maybe. It's called astral projection. Most JWs learn how to do this during meetings. Only they just seem to call it "mind wandering". We all want to be somewhere else. Glad you could establish some common ground here.

    astral projection, astral projection cd, out of body, out of body experience


  • spiritboi

    HA!HA!HA!JWs say I am demonic. Now some1 say I insane. I just come to realise why my dad say he was out of the body while in trace but I was completely blanked out.JW told me I have no soul! How can I be out of the body? Need to do a checkup at a mental institute! My girl still won't come back. He won't want an insane boyfriend.

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